Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 Tetanus

    When Xun Bingbing rested until noon, everyone decided to hurry up the mountain road as soon as possible, so as to avoid the trouble of walking at night. So the partner dug Xun Bingbing out of his sleep.

    "Damn it. Is it easy for me?! You all have eaten enough and slept enough. Pity I was driving in the morning, and I only slept for an hour or two after eating! Look at my dark circles! You are like this Do you have a conscience for a young girl?!"

    Xun Bingbing complained while driving.

    Shi Yu sneered: "You are the only young girl?! Aunt, the young girl is used to describe a sixteen-year-old girl. You are an aunt who is going to be three years old, so don't pretend to be young." "What is going to be three years old?!

    I He just turned twenty two months ago!" Xun Bingbing screamed.

    "That's right, isn't that full too? It's not Ben 3, you think you're in Ben 2?" "

    Shi Yu! Don't forget that you're still a year older than me!" Xun Bingbing turned around and gave Shi Yu a hard look. .

    "Yes. But I didn't pretend to be tender. Aunt, watch the way!" Shi Yu gave Xun Bingbing a middle finger. Xun Bingbing was so angry that she turned around and stopped looking at her.

    "Why are you fingering your middle finger?" Yinghuo asked.

    Everyone in the car was embarrassed again by asking this question, and they didn't know how to answer, especially Shi Yu.

    "Uh. How should I put it... Guess what?" Shi Yu looked up at Yinghuo with a smile. Why is this dead monster sitting so high? !

    "Hmph, it's fine if you don't want to say it!" Yinghuo snorted again, closing her eyes and resting her mind.

    Shi Yu almost wanted to take off his shoes and smash him in the face. But looking at Yinghuo's closed-eyed face, she couldn't help feeling a little dazed for a moment, and Yinghuo closed those glazed eyes. Without the usual coldness and arrogance, a gentle and jade-like face is like the most beautiful work of art in the world. His facial features were sculpted flawlessly, and the slender eyelashes gently covered his eyes like butterfly wings. Under the high bridge of the nose are lips as soft as cherry blossoms.

    Tsk tsk... such a good face, why is it cheap for a monster? What's the matter with being more beautiful than a woman! Could it be that the firefly is actually a flower demon? Specially seduce people and then attract people's spirits or something? wrong. That seemed to be a banshee, but didn't Yinghuo repel her from touching him? Could it be that Yinghuo is as good as Longyang? !

    Think here. An image instantly popped up in Shi Yu's mind - Yinghuo leaning alone among thousands of flowers, her fragrant shoulders half exposed, her eyes rolling, her small tongue slightly licking the soft lips of cherry blossoms, then her eyelashes trembled, and her glazed eyes burst into tears instantly. With a few tears, she bit her soft lips and called softly, "Officer, I'm afraid~~~" "

    Cough cough cough cough..."

    Shi Yu was almost choked to death by his own saliva, but the imaginary The picture has been lingering all the time, wandering around in my mind like being poisoned.

    "What's the matter?" Yinghuo opened her eyes and looked at Shi Yu coldly. Shi Yu quickly covered her mouth and shook her head in horror. If Yinghuo knew about the picture in her mind, she would have to kill her alive!

    "What were you thinking about just now?" Yinghuo asked again.

    Shi Yu became more nervous, and his eyes widened. When it was over, when he was nervous, he was relieved of that sentence, and he didn't know if the firefly would sense it through the branch.

    "Huh, I don't know why!" Yinghuo closed her eyes again, and Shi Yu breathed a sigh of relief, God, she doesn't look at the messy Tanmei anymore, once she entered the rotten gate, she was a passerby from now on!


    With a loud noise and the people falling forward and backward, Xun Bingbing completely erupted.

    "Look! I told you to let the old lady get enough sleep before going on the road! One by one, rush to reincarnate! It's all right now, it's a crash!" After speaking, he punched and kicked the steering wheel, so angry that he burst into tears. flew out.

    "Okay! Auntie, don't make trouble. Fortunately, you are on the highway. There are many cars on this road. Hurry up and change cars and continue driving." Shi Yu lifted his body from Yinghuo's arms and rubbed his own His forehead grinned in pain. Just now, her forehead just hit the front seat, and she bounced back. Fortunately, she had quick eyesight and quick hands, and grabbed Yinghuo's arm tightly, so that no secondary damage was caused.

    "Come on, get out of the car! Choose a new car, I want to choose a short one! A car with automatic transmission!" Xun Bingbing shook the hand that beat the steering wheel, and told everyone to get out of the car first. After choosing a car, move straight away Things start again.

    Xun Bingbing originally wanted a blue convertible Porsche that had been crooked on the road block, but Shi Yu stared at her so hard that she gave up her dream of a sports car, honestly. After choosing an Audi private car, Shi Yu opened the door and stabbed the zombie sitting in the driver's seat with the seat belt tied to death, and then dragged him out.

    Just as Xun Bingbing sat in and wanted to adjust his seat, he looked up unintentionally. A picture of a zombie reaching out to her appeared in the rearview mirror.

    "Ah!!!" Xun Bingbing screamed and rolled down from the seat.

    "What's the matter?" Shi Yu asked hurriedly.

    "There is one more! The paralysis scared me to death!" Xun Bingbing patted her chest with lingering fear, at that moment she felt like she was about to pee her pants, and now her hands and feet are still tingling.

    "Isn't it just a zombie? It scares you." Shi Yu sneered, opened the back door and dragged out the zombie who had been trying to crawl forward in the back seat, and stabbed it down with the screwdriver in his hand.

    "It's gone now, move things quickly, and go on the road after moving. If we don't get to the city before the sun goes down, we will die."

    Shi Yu continued to move things after killing the zombies . The zombie took out a lighter from his pocket and put it away.

    "Xiaoyu, come and see!" Xun Bingbing shouted.

    "What's the matter? Little aunt?"

    "Come and see!" Xun Bingbing shouted again, but his voice was much more urgent. Shi Yu knew that Xun Bingbing was not a person who acted like a monster regardless of the occasion and time, so he came over .

    "Look at my hand." Xun Bingbing lifted his arm to Shi Yu. Shi Yu saw a half-inch scratch on Xun Bingbing's forearm. Although it was not heavy, there was

    blood. A piece of scrap iron.

    "What's going on?"

    "I got scratched when I rolled down." Xun Bingbing said aggrievedly with her mouth flattened.

    "Oh, dear~ It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt~ I'll blow it off for you~" Shi Yu touched Xun Bingbing's head, and was about to pretend to blow two breaths on the wound, when Xun Bingbing slapped her hand from her head hit it down.

    "What mess?! Are you stupid or am I stupid?! Sister, see clearly! There is still rust on it!" Xun Bingbing only felt that he was going to faint. Why is Shi Yu so stupid now that he hasn't fallen in love yet? Wouldn't he be a second fool if he really fell in love with Yinghuo later on?


    "Although I'm a Chinese medicine student, I also know about tetanus, sir! Did you go to the shit hole after studying?"

    Shi Yu grinned, closed his eyes, and almost got caught Crying stupidly to myself: "It's over, let you bump into me, it really knocked me stupid!"

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