Chapter 85

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Chapter 85: The Mysterious Woman

    There must be no living people in this shopping mall, otherwise Yinghuo, Lingbao and Zhuye would never be hidden. The ringtone at this moment is weird and abrupt. Like a thunderbolt, it knocked everyone out of their wits. Li Meng's legs went limp and he fell to the ground. looked around in horror.

    Even Shi Yu seemed to be stepped on by a cat's tail, suddenly jumped two feet high, and grabbed Yinghuo. His hands and feet were wrapped around Yinghuo's body like a koala, and he couldn't even buckle it off for a while. Xun Bingbing is also a conditioned reflex. Throwing the bag in his hand, he hugged Zhu Ye's thigh beside him. Her round eyes looked around vigilantly.

    The bell didn't stop, it kept ringing like a reminder.

    "Master, master... what's going on here?" Luo Ke asked timidly as he picked up Xun Bingbing. Xun Bingbing almost choked himself to death with a mouthful of saliva. She is so timid? Eldest sister, you are a ghost, can you have a little ghost consciousness? Anyway, calm down. You still come to ask me, I don't know what's going on.

    "Is this... the ringtone of the landline at the front desk over there?" Gu Rong swallowed. At first, he was flustered, but he was stabbed by Shi Yu's reaction. Instead, it made him less afraid, and looked towards the source of the sound.

    The crowd of corpses in the mall was stimulated by the sound of the bell. They became manic one after another, and there was a crowd of people for a while. It was about to squeeze towards the source of the sound.

    "Lingbao!" Seeing that the momentum was wrong, Shi Yu hurriedly shouted.

    Lingbao stretched his arms in mid-air. His face returned to a horrifying appearance, his eyes glowed red, he opened his mouth, and let out a sharp neigh. Except for Shi Yu, Ying Huo and Zhu Ye, everyone felt that their brains were galloping like ten thousand horses, and their eardrums were stinging, as if the next moment Like a ruptured eardrum.

    Xun Bingbing was feeling the pain, he was dizzy from the sharp sound, and his stomach was overwhelmed, and he almost vomited out. This is, a pair of warm palms covered his own hands that also covered his ears, but he covered his ears. When I closed my ears, the voice didn't abate in the slightest. At this moment, as soon as I covered my palm, the voice was immediately cut off.

    Xun Bingbing raised his head in a daze, and saw that it was Zhu Ye, who was looking at him with a smile, and there was a bit of playfulness in his eyes.

    "Stop laughing, help them!" Seeing that Wu Qianqian, Han Lin, and Yi Zuo were also in pain, she hurriedly said.

    The corner of Zhu Ye's mouth twitched, secretly thinking that this girl was not moved at all, she was really heartless, but still opened the barrier to isolate the ghost howling from Lingbao, and everyone felt alive again. At that time, everyone's faces were pale, and Li Guosheng and others were even more shocked. They didn't expect this ghost doll to be so powerful.

    Shi Yu didn't react at all. Firstly, Lingbao had directly impacted his soul, so he might have antibodies, or as Lingbao said, he was protected by a holy object in his body, and his soul was relatively tough. This kind of soul shock resisted.     But she felt that Yinghuo's figure was shaking a little, so she quickly raised her head to look at Yinghuo, and sure enough, Yinghuo's face was pale. Fortunately, Zhuye set up a barrier, and at this moment the breath of fireflies slowly calmed down.     "Are you okay?" Shi Yu asked worriedly.     "No problem." Still with the expression on his face and indifferent tone, Shi Yu couldn't help but want to pinch the soft flesh around Yinghuo's waist, what a dead duck!     But she didn't dare to ask Yinghuo to drink her own blood. She also knows now that her flesh and blood are the meat and potatoes for these yin creatures. It is estimated that the corpse group is more riotous.     Under the suppression of Lingbao, the corpses retreated slowly, Shi Yu hurried to the landline, Shi Yu was about to answer the phone, Luo Ke said softly: "Sister Yu, if... if something like the midnight bell What should I do?"     "Sister, you are a ghost yourself!" Shi Yu rolled his eyes.     Luo Ke flattened her mouth aggrievedly, she is not used to it yet...     Shi Yu herself was quite nervous, but she felt that this call must be answered, in case there are survivors, and the survivors have the ability to call the mall They come from here, and don’t call early or late, but they call when they are about to leave, to prove that this person can see them, guess it is through remote monitoring, there should be two brushes.     Thinking of having Yinghuo and Lingbao by my side, I also felt that my waist was straighter, so I pressed the phone to speakerphone so that everyone could hear it.


    "I thought you didn't dare to answer, hehe~" A chuckle came from the microphone, it was a woman, and her tone was relaxed, without the slightest bit of panic, it seemed that she was someone.

    "May I ask who you are?"

    "You don't need to know who I am. I've noticed since you came into town, but I don't like dealing with trash. If you don't have any skills, I won't call you. Now you just need to I know, as long as I can help you."

    Shi Yu frowned, and smiled eccentrically: "Oh? Since you have also seen our ability, why do you think you will be able to help me?" "

    You are going to the Basin Right?"

    A confident laugh came from the phone, making the whole group nervous, how could this person know?

    "Are you spying on us?" Shi Yu's tone suddenly darkened, and he was no longer in the mood for teasing.

    Yinghuo also had a gloomy expression, secretly startled, what kind of expert is this, who knows their daily life like the back of the hand without knowing it, Yinghuo naturally doesn't know, there is such a thing as surveillance in this era, and the police station is the least What is missing is monitoring.

    "You don't have to be angry, I just want to live longer, I have to do it, but it's really surprising that monsters and ghosts that only appear in fairy tales actually exist, and those living dead It’s something like a zombie, it’s really eye-opening.”     When Shi Yu heard it, he knew that their daily life was all heard by this mysterious woman, and turned to Li Guosheng: “Uncle Li, what is the surveillance equipment in the police station? Where can it be transferred?"     Li Guosheng was also extremely surprised, and said firmly: "Impossible, our internal monitoring can only be transferred internally!"     Shi Yu heard this, and he understood in his heart, thinking that this woman is a master hacker, and she can actually hack The internal monitoring of the police station might really be able to win him over.     "Tell me, what kind of cooperation method?" Shi Yu asked.

    "Hahahaha, Shi Yu, you are indeed a cheerful and smart person. Come to the armed police squadron next to the prison in the west of the city. I will wait for you here!" After finishing speaking, the other party hung up the phone.

    "Xiaoyu, are you going?" Xun Bingbing asked, she always watched Shi Yu, she would go as soon as she said, as long as she said she would not go, she would not go.

    "Go!" Shi Yu narrowed his eyes and said decisively.

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