Chapter 2 Leading Leaders

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     Jess and Cat didn't notice the breathtaking sunrise, the reality of where they were, hit them like a slap in the face up on waking. The same was true of Sara, wanting nothing more than a strong cup of coffee and a good run around her safe neighborhood. Unlike Jess who missed her cell phone like a best friend, Cat missed her actual friends.

    The twins who never argued were having a heated debate. Sammy was nose to nose with his brother, " you were always a mommas boy, she always let you get your way. "

     Alex pointed his finger at his brother, " dad always stuck up for you, the oldest child. Big deal a few minutes older. "

     Chance having no one to argue with yelled at the dog, " shut up, you are useless! Why can't you be a Pitt or rott? At least a hunting dog could feed us!"
Max barked at the teen feeling threatened.

     Jess, Cat and Sara were all pointing at an empty pot. Jess raised her voice first, " I'm not your mothers, I could care less! "

     Cat stomped her foot, " our mothers would be more respectful! You should clean the pot Jessica Sims, you had a scoop more of mac and cheese then we did! "

     Sara bit her lip nearly drawing blood, " you scraped the bottom of the pot Catherine Rivers, you clean it! "

     Chance picked up the pot, no one noticed. He began walking toward the beach. Matty and Jake followed him in silence. The females continued arguing, the venom of their words followed them.

     Chance walked knee deep in to the ocean, he submerged the pot scrubbing it with sand, like he saw done on tv. It took about twenty minute.

     Chance stared at the ocean, the clean pot beside him, " if either of you call me mom, so help me, I will be the one yelling. "

     Jake sat next to the defeated male, " you have more guts than I do Chance, getting close to those shrews. You are the peace maker, if they ever notice. They need to grow up and fast, we all do. For once in our lives , we have to do chores. "

     Matty unexpectedly sat on his lap," Lenerd Sanders I need you, we need you. The girls were arguing about who cleaned the pot, because they were to stubborn, to admit none of them knew how to. You are the internet, you remember everything, you ever saw or read. All of our parents put together, couldn't keep us alive on this island."

     Jake patted the back of the leader, " no matter what the others say, you are the leader Chance. They were in charge of their parents, let each one think they are the leader. Us three know better."

    Max barked his approval. Matty laughed, " you mean the four of us. "

    Chance petted the small fury head, " sorry boy, you're much better than a pitt , rott or hunting dog."

     Jake patted the leaders leg'" I'm worried Chance, eight boxes of mac and cheese left, two boxes didn't go far. Enough Smores for one time, with a few left over."

    "The group has to search for food, all of us. I hope you read a lot about plants and fruit Chance, our lives depend on it."

     Sammy clapped his hands seeing the clean pot, " i don't need to ask, which of the three of you cleaned the pot, Mr photo graphic memory."

     Alex pointed to the metal suit case, " look who is fighting over the two boxes of feminine napkins. Jess, Cat and Sara that's who. The mystery of camp jerks is solved, don't take sides, unless you want beaten with in an inch of your lives. "

     Jake asked the obvious question, " hey kid, why did you pack female monthly products?"

     Matty''s cheeks were red from embarrassment, "the survival list for wounds, it slows blood flow."

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