Chapter 10 Female Frustration

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Fun day Sunday was here,but for the first time it rained. Amy and Cat used the opportunity, they gathered all of the buckets,filling them with the groups dirty clothing. The bucket quickly filled with rain water.One step ahead on tomorrows laundry chore.
           Amy ran into the she shed, drying her hair on the last clean shirt she owned.Cat was two steps behind the red head.
     Julie frowned,"you both look like drowned rats."
     Page warned,"don't get water on the beds."
     Lizy pointed out the obviously," do you mean the half deflated mattresses Page?"
     Cat dryed her hair on Sara's unclaimed blouse," it sucks we're stuck in here."
     Amy dreaded the day as well," two fun day Sunday's ruined. Worse no hot meals, my belly is grumbling already. If it quits raining, all the wood is wet. There is dry wood in the cave, but the guys are to lazy to bring it back. We will be told, not asked to do it."
         Rochelle was quiet until that moment,"I've noticed Chance and Jake, seem to be in charge. No wonder you girls do far more chores, than the guys do. After all women are second classed citizens here,just like in civilization.The guys do the easiest work, with just as much praise. You are warn out,while they are well rested.The fruits of your labor, is enjoyed by them regardless. "
     If Amy's looks could kill, the women would be dead,"Rochelle keep those venomous words in your mouth.We took you in and how do you repay us?Don't ever try turning us against, any member of our group again. "
     Cat's anger was ignited as well,"we all happen to love the guys, you're trash talking about Rochelle. Keep your opinions to yourself, or wiggle that shapely butt, back down to the beach we found you on."
     Lizy pointed her finger at the women,"don't ever talk about my Ronny like that again Rochelle. He is the most kind, loving person I've ever met."
    Page joined in on the ridicule,"all the guys here are like family. The thing about family is, we're fiercely loyal."
         Rochelle changed her tune when confronted,"I'm truly sorry, I didn't mean to upset anyone. "
     Her plan to disrupt the group harmony had failed.

            Cat walked to the cave with her boyfriend,"you should have heard her Chance, Rochelle is not what she seems to be. Maybe she was sent here by the Captain? Carrie warned us about the tests."
     Chance suspiciously looked around,"don't speak of such things Cat,you know they can hear and see us. You signed the paper, the same as I did. We promised not to disclose any information, we were given."
     Cat took her boyfriend's hand,"it's just so hard, knowing what we know, and not telling the others."
     Chance took his girlfriend into his arms,"we had no choice, it was the only way to help them. When it is finally over, they will understand."
            Chance and Cat collected fire wood together. Ronny and Lizy went fishing together. Jake and Steve dug and picked vegetables.Amy and Kevin tended the chickens.Page and Julie, built a fire.The girls were out to prove a point, their camp didn't succeed, because of males or females.It was couples doing work together as teams. Rochelle couldn't separate them, she didn't stand a chance.
          Jake killed three chickens,"there are far too many chickens Steve. I don't know about you,but I'm tired of eating eggs. We will have roasted chicken and potatoes for dinner, after all it's Sunday. Lets get to plucking these chickens,save the feathers. We can put them onto the cave floor, under the tarp.we will be prepared for the next storm."
       Lizy watched the teen boy next to her,"I don't know why Kevin complains about fishing every day, it gives me an excuse to enjoy your company Ronny."
      Ronny watched the fishing line not moving at all,"fishing is less boring,doing it with you Lizy."
     Lizy kissed her boyfriend,"I think we deserve a break."
            Amy pushed a hen away with her foot,"how did I get stuck  on chicken duty yet again?"
     Kevin flapped his arms,"bock bock."
      Amy threw an egg at the teen boy and missed, "quit goofing off Kevin!"
Amy laughed at his humorous antics.
             Julie lit the kindling,"we have dry wood Page, and we didn't have to walk to the cave to get it. Chance and Cat made the trip, I think it was an excuse to be alone."
     Page added more twigs to the fire,"love is definitely in the air,couples doing chores together, all alone. We're alone in the romance department Julie, but so is that trouble maker Rochelle. "

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