Chapter 11 The Plot Thickens

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It was fun day Sunday, all of the chores were done, and breakfast was eaten.The group was excited, to return to the beach. During the night Max had returned, the dog and Matty were inseparable.
     Rochelle whispered into her brother's ear," there are no trees on the beach,the cameras can see us, but the microphones can't hear us. The dogs collar has a microphone in it, need I say more?"
     Megel learned not to question his family, they were in charge of his life. He began walking and the dog followed, as being trained to do.
            They swam in the ocean for hours,taking breaks to lay on the sand. No chores were done, on the day of rest and relaxation.The group ate fruit, they brought with them. Canteens were filled at the beach camp well.
       Jake saw the raft first pointing at it," look everyone there's a raft headed this way!"
      The entire group watched the raft come ashore. The handsome young man was waving at them. Jake recognized Kyle Jennings instantly, his beautiful dark brown eyes and short, dark brown hair.His height of  five feet, eight inches tall,one hundred and fifty six pounds, of well toned muscle.The nineteen year old,was Jake's ex boyfriend,a fact he never mentioned to Steve.
     The group surrounded the newcomer, curious about who he was, and how he got there.
     Sam smiled,"hi I'm Kyle Jennings, you all must be the tropical campers. I was surprised to get an email, from the camp inviting me here.It's not often you get, an all expenses paid vacation.When it mentioned that Jake Clearlan,was one of the campers, I couldn't say no."
     Steve shook the new arrivals hand,"I'm Steven Porter.How do you know Jake?"
     Kyle addressed the question honestly,"Jake was my boyfriend, my first crush. We only dated for three months, very hush hush. My dad got a job and we moved away.Since graduating high school, I came out to my family and friends. My only regret was Jake, I couldn't pass up the chance to see him again."
     Jake stepped forward, looking into the brown eyes he never got over," I'm surprised to see you Kyle,you shouldn't have come here. We are all stuck on this island, now you are too."
     Cat's motherly instinct took over,"Jake has a boyfriend, his name is Steve,you just met him."
     Kyle looked at the bright, blue eyes he adored," I'm sorry Jake, I had no idea. I hope to be your friend, as well as everyone here."
     Kevin defused the awkwardness," it sucks to be you about now Kyle, but not for me so much. You see we all must do chores we hate,but since you're here,you can do chores, so we have more free time."
     Ronny shook the new arrivals hand," I'm Ronny Perry, I hope you brought plenty of clothes, wash day is a hardship."
     Page took the new camper under her wing,"lucky for you you're single Kyle, you can sleep in my cabin. The beds are all taken, but I will share with you."
     Julie corrected her cabin mate," I will share my bed with you Kyle."
     Matty tugged on the bottom of the teens shirt," I'm smaller than they are,there's more space in my bed. You can sleep with me Kyle."
     Kyle was relieved," thanks kid, I will take you up on it."
                    The walk back to camp was not as exciting, as the walk to beach camp. All of the campers were thinking the same thing, why did someone show up now? How many more people, would end up on the beach?More importantly, there was no end in sight for rescue.

             Two roosters were killed and added to the pot of vegetables, in celebration of their new camper. Kyle noticed the couples sat together, Page and Julie sat on both sides of him. Rochelle and Matty sat on the end of the group circle. It was an awkward meal, Jake never looked Kyle's way once, while Steven stared at Kyle.Clearly Jake didn't tell his boyfriend, about all of his past relationships.

            That night Kyle laid in bed with his eyes closed,recalling how he came to be there. Ten thousand dollars was a lot of money, and all Kyle had to do for it, was to sign a paper and flirt with an old boyfriend. He wasn't permitted, to tell anyone on the island, anything about the transaction. It would be harder, since Jake had a boyfriend there. Kyle decided to flirt with the two single teen girls, it might make Jake jealous.

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