Chapter 6 The Lost Boy

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Matty received his instructions that morning, at the squatting tree. He nervously waited for the group to fall asleep, the next part of the test, would begin in the morning.
     Two hours later, the boy climbed in to, the small inflatable raft, at the fishing spot.
     Captain Lopez reached up, grabbing the whining dog," all aboard little fella." He petted the top, of the dogs head calming him. The troll motor quietly turned the raft around.
     Matty pleaded, " do we really need to scare them dad? This time is different. I really like the first group, they have changed so much."
     Ricardo Lopez chuckled," you say that every time Megel, so far, you have been wrong. Their mothers responded to the newspaper add, just like the rest. I promised results, I never promised they would change, that's up to them. "
     " you will be watching cartoons, and eating cheese burgers and fries, for the next few days. Your mother and sisters miss you. Don't you want to, get this over going home? "
     Megel looked at the jungle passing by, " don't you mean, I will be watching footage, and eaves dropping?'
     Ricardo gave his son a stern look, " being the son of a millionaire isn't easy, you will be the star of a reality series. Once it Aires, the campers will know what's coming. Past campers don't even know, they were being filmed. Play your part son, one day you will be famous. "
      " I met your mother, when I began the project. Your oldest sister Carrie, was among the first group. If not for the project, your mom and me, would never have met. We would not be married, and I would not have adopted you, and your two sisters. "
     Megel only half listened, getting the same speech each time,"  I feel guilty is all, I can't help it. "
     Ricardo was excited at the new twist, " I wasn't aware Jake was gay, his mother must not know it. Steven isn't his best friend, he's Jake's boy friend. A new situation adds to the viewers drama."
     Megel was surprised and saddened, " you can't expose their relationship to the world, it's their decision."
     Ricardo was shocked, " they shouldn't have openly kissed,  forbidden romance raises ratings son."
         The raft stopped at a stream bank, they walked a short distance, getting in to a helicopter. A ship was waiting on the ocean, for them to land.
     Jake had been searching for the boy since waking. Four hours of crying and fighting foliage, a thought of where to search next.
     Jake ran in to camp, " Chance I'm going to beach camp, I've looked everywhere else, I can think of. "
     Chance lightly squeezed his friends shoulder, " calm down, we're all worried about Matty. You go to beach camp, we will keep searching for him. It's A big island, he has to be on it somewhere."

                        It had been a few weeks, since coming back to beach camp. The group had chores done before breakfast, every morning they went swimming.
     Julie staid behind," kiss me Steve, they're all gone. "
     Steve put his arms around the attractive brunette, her long hair against his bare chest. Her brown eyes met his, as he drew her closer kissing her.
     Jake stood there furious, " now I see why, you all wanted to be here so badly. I ran most of the way here, expecting to find a scared group of kids. I walk in to an apparent beginning, of Steve losing his virginity, unless it has already happened. With this group, the boxes of condoms won't last long. Julie ran away crying.
     Steve turned facing the teen," why are you acting crazy? It was just a kiss. It wasn't planned, she just did it. "
     Jake wiped away tears with his hand, " Matty is missing, I searched for hours for him. I came here to find him, but saw you kissing Julie instead.
     Steve frowned," Matty never came here. Quit acting like a jealous idiot, I'm single, I made that very clear. If Julie wants to kiss me, it's my business, not yours or anyone else's. By the way Jake, I never said I'm a virgin. I said that I, never slept with a guy before. I know what to do with a girls, it's just been a while. "
     Jake's heart was breaking, " I get the message loud and clear Steven Porter, I won't both you again. If you see the kid, send him home." He stomped away holding back his tears, until out of sight.
     Amy went through the kids back pack, handing Chance a folded piece of paper, " I went through Matty's  stuff, thinking there might be a clue, of the where he went. I found this inside his folded tent. "
     Chance unfolded the paper studying it," it's a map, but to what is the question? There are detailed land marks and an X.
Look at the tree drawings, there are little pictures of speakers, circled in red."
     Chance turned on the flashlight, holding it behind the map," look now there are words, directions. I think we were ment to find this map Amy. Is Matty a part of the camp, leaving us a clue? Did who ever runs the camp, abduct Matty, leaving the map for us to follow?"
     Amy saluted him," what are our orders?"
      Chance saluted her back," we're at war number one, gather the troops. We will follow this map, and get our kid back, as well as his adorable dog. "
      Amy loved her favorite tv show reference, " captain, Jake isn't back yet. "
     Chance stood stiff and tall," number one, there is no time to wait. We finally have reason to use the weapons, I fear our enemy, is more dangerous than bore."
    " Call me Lenerd, he's who we need now,  my chances are over."
                  The group had no time to copy the map, they filled their canteens, grabbed the flashlight, spears, bow and arrows, lastly the harpoon.

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