Chapter 28 Aunts And Uncles

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Chapter Twenty Eight

              Aunts And Uncles

               Kevin wasn't backing down, he'd had enough,"you're wrong on this one bro, your turn was yesterday Ronny."
     Ronny stood his ground,"dude you're wrong it was three days ago Kevin."
    Alex straightened them out,"you're both wrong it's my turn."
    Sammy was mad,"you're all wrong, I've been waiting since yesterday for my turn."
     Amy sat down next to the usual fifth in the weird circle of guys,"Tye, what are they arguing about this time?'
     Tye pointed at the guys,"each of them thinks it's their turn to babysit JR."
     Amy stood full of anger,"no way are those idiots taking aunt Amy's turn."
     Amy got into the argument thinking that she was right.
     Tye put up his feet on the chair close to his,"I would suggest a written schedule, but I would have no entertainment."
     Cat picked up her son,"time for your nap JR."
     Cat walked away,JR waved goodbye to his still arguing aunts and uncles.
      Tye laughed,"I can't believe they're still arguing with the reason for it gone, this is too good."

            Chance picked up his son smelling his freshly bathed hair,"nothing smells better than JR after his bath, to think that I missed it breaks my heart."
     Cat combed her son's thick black hair,"he has changed so much since he was born, and I missed the two biggest milestones, walking and talking. My heart is breaking too Chance."
     Chance noticed a spot on the back of his son's left thigh,"you didn't tell me that JR has a birthmark Cat."
     Cat had a frightened look in her eyes,"what are you talking about? JR doesn't have a birthmark, that is not our son."
     Chance whispered,"don't tell the others Cat, this is obviously a test to see how we react.If we don't play along, our son might well end up here for real."
     At the very moment JR spoke his first word,"mama, mama."

            Kevin held the toddler,"I'm not your mamma kid I'm uncle Kevin."
     Sammy sat nearby waiting his turn,"JR said his first word this morning to Cat mamma,"
     Kevin put the squirming boy into the playpen,"don't tell Cat Sammy but I was the first JR spoke to, he called me mamma, a few hours later he called Ronny mamma."
     Kevin fist bumped his friend,"I always knew that you had a feminine side Sammy."
     Sammy patted his friend on the back,"look who's talking mamma."

            Chance stood at the altar that he built the day before,"we have a bible and it's Sunday,so here goes. I'm thankful Lord for all that we have, I'm grateful for everyone here and back at home. It was hardship that was our true blessing, because it brought us closer, making us more than friends. If we get rescued or not, we have earned this island family, we will be together always. God keeps us surviving, and it's in his name we ask, to keep on doing so."
      Jake stood at the altar next,"I was made to go to Sunday school as a child, but it never stuck. My teen years were parties, girls and fun. Maybe this island was my punishment for my sins, or maybe it was my reward for being a good person where it counts. I humbly ask the Lord to get us home, if it's his will I know it will happen."
     Cat stood at the altar next,"I want my son to go to church, rather it's back in civilization or here, I know God can hear us anywhere. Please God take us all back home, I humbly ask amen."
       The group all silently prayed, tears running down their cheeks.

            Amy baked brownies mixing the oil, eggs and water into the powdered icing,"it's hard to believe that JR is one year old today,he likes brownies more than cake,he's going to be so surprised.He's helping his dada build a swing set,he looked so cute using the tape measure. What a smart boy he is, just like his dada."
     Cat removed the brownies from the oven,"I'm so glad the guys rebuilt the oven, like everything else the hurricane  destroyed it. The crate wood made a good roof and door, for me and Chance's love shack. It was a great honeymoon cabin, but with a wooden roof and door it's much warmer. I think the guys worked faster helping Chance,because JR's crying kept them awake."
     Amy sat down,"I love your son, but it's nice having you all to myself Cat."
     Page put two chickens onto the spit,and wrapped potatoes
in foil putting them into the fire.
    Julie cut vegetables for a salad,"I'm glad that we have something to celebrate, making a big dinner is harder but well worth it. We now have so many new seeds we didn't before, including flowers which are now fully grown. I'm going to pick flowers for the table, JR loves the colors."
     Lizy was finishing her present,"Jake saved every rabbit fur, Kyle knew how to stretch and dry them. I stuffed the fur with feathers and stitched it up,there it is a stuffed bunny for JR on his birthday."
     Julie bragged about her gift,"my cell phone still has sixty percent battery, I'm going to take pictures at the party, that's my gift to JR. When we go home I'll send Cat and everyone the pics, we will treasure them always."
                 The party was a huge hit, the swing set wasn't finished, but the story of building it was told several times.
        The stuffed bunny turned out to be a bad idea, JR chewed on it getting a mouth full of hair.JR fed himself having chocolate all over his face and hands. The dinner was perfect being eaten
slowly savoring the conversation as much as the food. The flowers on the table attracted bees and had to be removed. It was decided to cook a large meal every Sunday, to have something to look forward to.
        Tye spoke alone to the twin,"Alex do you remember the island coordinates?"
      Jake said,"yes I do exactly because I was so paranoid about not finding it.Why do you want to know Tye."
      Tye explained,"as a joke my father gave me a compass for my sixteenth birthday, so I could always find my way home. I take the compass on every trip I've ever been on since getting it, for good luck.I could make a sail for the raft,if just I go I can fill the raft with enough food and water to last three weeks rationing it."
     Alex was shocked and worried,"you don't have the return coordinates Tye, I'm not sure how you would find your way back to Australia?"
     Tye tooted his own horn," my IQ makes Chance look like a toddler, I was intelligent enough to go to college in third grade.By fourth grade I began one of my many hobbies, a few months later I could read, write and speak pretty much every known language on the planet. My mathematical and astrological skills rival anyone on the planet. In short with a mere compass,your coordinates and looking at the stars, I will have no problem returning the way you came here Alex."
     Alex was amazed,"Tye why did you have to go all the way through high school, if you were smart enough to graduate in the third grade?"
    Tye was shocked that was his only question,"my father wouldn't allow me to jump ahead.Alex the only problem I see is keeping this a secret, from our friends but also avoiding the camp cameras. We would have to build the sail unseen, sneak it and the provisions to the beach at night. We couldn't make any noise, the speakers would hear us. Loading and launching the boat at night."
    Alex thought for a moment,"I guess that giant brain of yours will figure it out."

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