Chapter 18 The Pregnancy

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Chapter Eighteen

                 The Pregnancy

            The hurricane demolished everything, at all of the camps,except for the claw foot bathtub.The group safely weathered the storm, in the safety of the cave.
     Cat cried into her pillow,"I give up, I'm not leaving my bed."
     Chance stroked the long, blond hair he adored,"you can't give up Cat, because if you give up, then so will I. Cat your hormones are controlling your emotions. For the sake of everyone's sanity, you must behave as you did before. If you want, I will tell everyone why you've been puking?"
      Cat sat up hugging her husband,"no Chance, please don't tell them,we can't say that the Captain married us.I don't want them to think,I got pregnant before marriage. I will pretend to get fat, until they stop believing it."
     Chance smiled at his wife,"whatever you want, wife it's your choice."

            Page looked in shock,"look at the mess girls, lumber thrown about. Swim camp is no more, all of our safe warm cabins, are gone."
     Julie stood where her cabin bed should have Been,"what if, I would have been sleeping?Thank God we listened to Kyle, letting the animals roam free. If not for the animals, going into the cave for shelter,we would all be dead."
     Lizy picked up a coffee cup, off of the ground,"look this cup isn't broken, there isn't even one chip. Weird how strong wooden buildings, were completely demolished, and a fragile cup, is in perfect condition."
     Amy spoke softly,"Cat hasn't used one tampon since returning. I think when her and Chance, were lost in the jungle, they did much more than hold hands."
     Page whispered,"Cat gets nausea every day, sometimes she vomits."
     Julie spoke low,"when my aunt was pregnant, she cried for no reason, and got mad easily. Cat is definitely pregnant, but we will not act like we know. When Cat wants us to know, she will tell us."
The three girls shook hands agreeing to keep Cat's secret.

            All of the males, including the boy, were on a mission, collecting every piece of lumber they could find.
     Kevin's hair was wet with sweat,"I can't believe we're starting over, this is worse than Beach Camp, when we first arrived Ronny."
     Ronny threw a board upon the pile,"tell me about it Kevin, I nearly cried seeing what used to be our outhouse. It's just a hole in the ground now, full of water."
     Matty joined in on the teens conversation,"two of the fruit trees are gone, like they were never there."
     Jake drug what used to be a door to the pile,"look Steve the wooden lock, is still on this door."
      Steve picked up a wooden shelf, from the supply shed,"I don't know why, we're wasting our energy. Why is Chance making us rebuild?Another hurricane can destroy it all again."
     Kyle drug what used to be a table, to the pile,"we don't know how many years we will be here Steve.Chance wants us to live, like we're modern human beings, not like cavemen. The cave is safe, but it is also dark and damp. People deserve to live in the sun,when on a tropical paradise."
     Ronny disagreed,"I'm not the smartest one here, but even I know why Chance wants to rebuild the camp.Cat is pregnant, he wants her to be, as comfortable as possible.Lizy told me, all the girls think it."
    The chatting stopped, an awkward silence replaced it.
            Amy chased chickens from the cave,"shoo dirty birds, I just scrubbed the floor."
     Page dusted the canned goods,"I'm so greatful, Cat went on a canning spree.The fruit trees and garden will take a few months to produce again."
     Cat made her bed,"Kevin and Ronny should be fishing, not wasting their time picking up boards."
     Julie milked a goat,"hold still ewe, get it you?Relax Amy I'm, kicking her out after I milk her.I want butter on my corn for dinner."
     Cat was annoyed,"no Julie, there are only fifteen ears of corn left, we are going to plant the kernels.We will have sweet corn in a few months. I think we should enlarge the garden, that much corn needs room to grow."
     Amy defused the situation,"I don't see what harm, keeping a few ears of corn would do?"
     Cat was offended,"until you have nothing to eat at all, you don't see how precious corn seeds are."
Cat cried into her hands.
     Amy hugged her friend,"I'm so sorry you and Chance, went through that Cat. You can plant all of the corn,we will help you make the garden larger."
     Cat wiped her tears on a shirt,"I'm sorry girls, I'm just upset about losing so much."
     Lizy gave her two cents, of common sense,"it only makes sense to build a camp, if we build it beside the cave. We can put everything in the cave, in no time at all."
     Cat smiled,"you're right Lizy, I feel better with your plan. I will bring it up to Chance the next time I see him."

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