Chapter 16 The Other Side

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                              The Other Side

                        Megel was in a panic,"Kyle I have been lied to, by my step father, and perhaps my sister's as well. I was told that, Cat and Chance were sent home. I just received a verbal message,but this time it was Chance's voice I heard.He said that, he and Cat, didn't go home. Before Chance said more, he said they are coming, I have to go."
     Kyle's mind raced,"if they lied about that, I will leave here as broke, as when I got here."
     Megel slapped the teen's face,"are you insane or just stupid? Wake up Kyle, there's more at stake here than Just money.I might be old enough to vote, when I leave this island. I am ten years old, encase you're wondering."
     Kyle did the math in his head,"in eight years, I will be twenty seven.A twenty seven year old virgin,oh my God. We have two rafts, I will load one with provisions tomorrow, I will leave the island."
      Megel felt like slapping the teen again,"you have no compass, even if you did, you don't know which direction to go. The ocean is vast, there are storms and sharks, among other predators.If you tried leaving on a raft, you will die Kyle."
     Kyle held back his tears,"ok I won't try leaving,you make sense Megel."
     Megel patted the teen's back,"be calm Kyle, the others must not know, that anything is wrong. From now on, only call me Matty. If you slip up, calling me Megel in front of the others, we are in huge trouble."
       Kyle looked at a tree,"we shouldn't speak of it again, the trees have ears."

            Rochelle slid the metal lock opening the door,"oops I forgot to lock you back in."
She dropped a backpack onto the floor walking away.
     Cat picked up the backpack,"what are you waiting for Chance? Come on let's go."
     Chance took his girlfriend's hand running into the jungle.Rochelle was unlikely, to aid them in an escape.It had to be another test, but he ran anyway.
                Rochelle spoke into the microphone,"it's done father, the next test has begun."

            Cat ate wild blackberries,"we have been walking for hours Chance. We have no idea, what direction to go? We have no idea, if we are still on camp Island?"
     Chance wanted to laugh, at her purple mouth,"let's take one problem at a time Cat.what is the last thing you remember, before being locked up?"
     Cat looked down at her purple fingers,"I was on the yacht, gorging on a cheeseburger, fries and a soft drink. I woke up in the cabin, we were trapped in. It seemed that I was there forever, before you arrived. I had just ate the only descent meal, I was given. When I woke up, you were in the cabin with me."
     Chance had a serious look upon his face,"there is no question about it, we were drugged. Why keep us that long, then let us go?"I'm sure we're on, the same island as the others,it is the only thing that makes sense"
     Cat kissed her boyfriends lip's softly,"let's walk until dark,then cuddle up and sleep. Fate will guide us, or it won't. Chance you're the smartest person I ever met, you lead and I will follow."

            The battle was on, Kevin gripped harder, his forearm muscle tight. His shoulder pushed inward,his back leaned to his right.
     Amy cheered,"I believe in you Kevin, you got this!"
     Ronny's face was scrunched up,he grunted. His wrist was straight, he pushed his forearm, with his body weight.
     Lizy cheered on her hero,"take down the whimp Ronny, I bet one week of chores on you!"
     With a thud Kevin slammed Ronny's knuckles onto the crate .
     Amy jumped up and down,"eat it Lizy, enjoy doing laundry for me!"
      Kyle and Jake sat on the ground, putting their elbows onto the crate, they held hands.
     Julie cheered,"you have to win Kyle, or I will tend the chickens and garden for two weeks. I have faith in you!"
    Page yelled loudly,"beat him Jake!"
     Kyle stared into the beautiful blue eyes, vowing to let Jake win.Jake's nose and lips wrinkled, all the muscles in his body tightened. Kyle pushed hard, he nearly had Jake's knuckles touching. At the last second, Jake dug deep, he put Kyle's knuckles onto the crate.
     Page hugged her victor,"in your face Page, I am chore free this week. Thank you Jake, my hero."
     Steve gently pushed the girl away,"for the last time Amy, I'm not arm wrestling with you. My arm is much taller than yours, it won't work out."
     Amy pouted,"the girls won't arm wrestle me, I had to try."
           A large red dot was painted on a tree, each group member, who played got one try. Any who hit the target with one arrow, did no chores that week. Anyone wanting to try and lost,split the winner's chores.
     Lizy, page, Julie and Steve, sat on the sidelines watching.Lizy agreed to pull arrows from the tree.
     Amy aimed hitting the target, she bowed.
      Lizy pulled the arrow from the tree.
     Kevin missed the tree, to the right by two inches.He kicked the ground walking away.
     Ronny's arrow hit slightly above the red dot,he shook his head walking away.
       Jake took his time aiming his arrow, he hit the red dot dead center.
     Lizy pulled the arrow from the tree.
     Kyle missed the tree to the left, dreading doing extra chores.
     Matty held his breath releasing the arrow, he hit the red dot dead in the center.
          Kyle missed on purpose, he knew, that Jake was testing their archery skills. There might come a time, when they killed more than animals. Kyle would rather do extra chores, than risk being a killer.

            Cat sat down crying,"if we don't find water soon Chance, we're going to die. For all we know, we're walking in circles.There are no landmarks, everything looks the same."
     Chance sat down beside his girlfriend,"we can survive three days without water, our canteen went dry this morning. I've been walking, with the sun on my right shoulder.We're walking in a straight line."
     Cat wiped her tears with her shirt,"if I have to be lost in the jungle, I'm glad it's with the smartest person I ever met."

            Matty boldly spoke near a speaker,"if you hurt my friends father, I will never forgive you.Chance spoke to me, I know him and Cat didn't go home."
     There was no reply to Megel's message, chills ran down his spine.
      The Captain spoke to his daughter,"the fools are lost, heading in the wrong direction. I think it's time, to set loose the hound upon them."
            Just before dark the Captain blew the silent whistle, the hound came to him, as it was trained to do.The Captain held two towels, against the dogs nose,"find them!"
The Blue Tick hound ran barking, on the scent trail.

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