Chapter 17 Scent Trail

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Chapter Seventeen

                         Scent Trail

            Chance looked to his left,"Cat did you hear that? It's a dog barking."
     Cat picked up a small branch,"it sounds like a large dog, Chance I'm afraid."
      Chance ignored the frightened girl,"you stay here Cat, a person might need my help."
      Cat got in his face,"no way are you leaving me Chance, you won't find me again,where you go I follow."
     Chance followed the sound of barking, Cat followed Chance. What they saw broke their hearts, a dog's collar was tangled on a thin tree branch.The Blue Tick Hound saw them wagging its tail. Chance had no fear unhooking the collar, then removing it from the branch. The tag on the collar read Blue, which was a fitting name.He was gray with black spots, his eyes were brown.The dog laid on his back whining.
      Cat rubbed the dogs belly, "You're a sweety pie, yes you are. I wonder how he got here Chance?"
     Chance snapped his fingers,"find water Blue!"
     Blue ran barking, the teens followed barely keeping up. Ten minutes later, the dog stopped at a small stream drinking from it.
     Cat kissed the top of the dog's head,"I love you boy."
     Chance got a small pot and matches, from the backpack. He built a fire and boiled water. It was the perfect spot to make camp for the night, the dog's body heat kept them much warmer.

            Funday Sunday was a huge success, the group spent the day swimming. Kevin and Ronny scuba dove fishing, lunch was a treat, because of their talent.
     Jake killed three wild rooster, it was roasted along with sweet potatoes. Dinner left everyone tired, they slept at Beach Camp for the night.
                The group awoke  to the sound, of Max growling and barking.
     Matty didn't open his eyes,"shut up Max, it's our only day to sleep in!"
     Ronny threw his pillow,"shut up mutt, we were up late last night!"
     All of the group members opened their eyes sitting up, when they heard, a deep loud sound of barking.
     Jake saw the hound first chasing him,he ran into the jungle. Ten minutes later the dog stopped, its tail wagging.When Jake was close, the dog walked away. Jake continued following the dog, fifteen minutes later, the dog stopped.
     Cat complained,"where did Blue go?He saves us, then runs away."
     Chance yawned,"Cat I'm too tired to think."
     Jake followed the voices a short distance,"you should call the dog Chance Jr, because he's a genius."
     Cat turned around,"I can't believe it, you're here Jake."
     A three way hug was shared, the hero dog bathed himself.
            Jake led the way for thirty two minutes,the camp was just about to eat breakfast, when they saw them.
     Cat ran to the fire,"Amy give me a double helping of everything, I'm half starved."
     Amy hugged her friend,"Cat where in the heck have you been?"
     Cat grabbed a pancake,"food now, questions later.I love you too Amy."
     Chance approached the group,"I found Cat in the jungle. We were lost in the jungle for weeks. Yesterday,we found a hunting dog, who led us to water.The dog led Jake to us,and he led us here."
     Kevin gave his friend a bear hug,"I have never been happier, to see anyone in my whole life Chance.Now about finishing the outhouse."
     Ronny butted in,"hey what about making surfboards Kevin?"
     Jake interrupted," you can lead us again Chance, I'm so relieved."          
     Chance answered,"how about I eat first? It sure is good to be home."

            Two days after returning to Swim Camp, the group was happier than before leaving.
     Jake shook the ex leaders hand,"I have to hand it to you Kyle, the changes you made are practical. The animals didn't run away once freed, saving so much time and energy.If you have anymore ideas, don't hesitate to tell me about them."
     Kyle returned the handshake,"thanks for the compliment Chance. I will let you know, if I think of anything else."
            Kyle was surprised that Chance, didn't put things back, like they were before he left.Chance didn't seem to be  the dictator, he was before leaving the group.Cat was different as well, she was not the bossy leader of the girls, she once was.The story about the two lovers wondering away and getting lost, finding each other, but not the way home. It was just that a story.It didn't take a genius to know, the two of them signed contracts, the same as he did.
              Cat hugged her gal pal, for the third time that morning,"
Amy I vowed, that if I made it back here, I would make more recipes from the cookbook"
     Amy looked at the table built the day before,"it seems that you're not the only one, having projects you wanted to do. Chance has been on a building spree since returning. To be honest it feels good, to be working hard again.Chance's photographic memory, has been a blessing. We now have goat milk cheese,being able to make vegetarian lasagna for dinner."
     Cat kneaded the dough,"don't forget about, the two loaves of bread we're making Amy.Page and Julie will have butter churned, for it before dinner. When lost I was so unbelievably hungry, I thought about how, to use our supplies better.There are so many canning jars, with rings and lids. There is a huge canning pot, with a lid and jar holder. Tomorrow we're picking strawberries and blackberries. There is a recipe for making jam in the cookbook."
     Amy kissed her friend's cheek,"I was so worried about you Cat, we thought that you, Chance and Rochelle, were abducted. We were all freaking out, thinking we were next. We don't need to carry weapons anymore, what a relief. It's weird how the hound got you home, then went back into the jungle."
     Cat cleaned dough from her hands,"I'm just glad to be home with my friends. Maybe Blue might one day, lead Rochelle here as well."
                         Ronny spoke through the bamboo wall,"Kevin is it working ok?"
     Kevin spoke loudly,"leave me alone to my business Ronny. When I'm done pooping, I'll let you know!"
     Ronny spoke again,"did you pick the leaves, that Chance told us to use!?"
      Kevin looked at the leaves beside him,"yes they're right beside me. Ronny Perry get the heck away from me, let me alone or I'll thump you. Great I don't have to go anymore!"
       Ronny spoke as his friend opened the door,"I just wanted to know, if it held your weight Kevin? Now move aside, I have outhouse business, to attend to."

           Matty finally got the leader alone,"there are no close trees, and our backs are aimed at the cameras Jake. Tell me what happened to you and Cat?"
     Jake took a long breath," We both have the same story,we got into the raft, arrived at the yacht.We were fed and drank, we woke up in a cabin on this island.After some time, your sister Rochelle, helped us escape. We were hopelessly lost, unable to find water. The next day, a dog showed up, leading us to a stream. The dog lead Jake to us, then Blue disappeared into the jungle, not long after we were at Beach Camp."
     Megel puzzled it out,"Rochelle does nothing, unless ordered to by our stepfather. Blue is Ricardo's most favored pet, he tracks by scent, and responds to several key word commands. I'm sure the Captain sent Blue, to rescue you and Cat. A silent whistle called Blue, back to his and Cat not going home, means one of two things. The first being, the Captain changed his mind, unable to trust you both, braking your contracts.The second being, it was a test, seeing if the group would allow you both back, into your old positions, as group leaders.I believe the second reason, it could have caused chaos."
     Chance put his arm around the boy hugging him,"there is one thing,I didn't tell you Megel. The others can't know about it,which is a huge problem for me and Cat. I saw the Captain twice when confined. Cat and I, were given a choice, we could be confined separately or together? If we wanted to be together, we had to agree to get married. After I was there for three weeks, the Captain wed us."
     Megel was relieved,"Cat is only seventeen years old, her parents would have to sign, allowing her to get married.A Captain can only marry people at sea. Chance you are not legally married."
     Chance dreaded his next words,"two days before I arrived, it was Cat's eighteenth birthday. We both signed a marriage application, and saw the Captain sign our marriage license. Ricardo Lopez is licensed to marry couples, he showed us the certificate."
     Megel looked shocked,"if you don't consummate the marriage, it doesn't count. When you get back home, you can get it annulled."
     Chance's face was blushing,"we were two newly married virgins in love, having nothing to do in confinement,we made love several times."
     Megel searched for the right words,"you're right Chance, you and Cat have a huge problem, you can't tell the others about."

            Two months had passed since Cat and Chance returned,much had changed during that time.The guys were on a building spree, now having an outhouse, table, hammocks, and four chairs. The girls used all sixty canning jars, making pasta and pizza sauces,jam,stewed tomatoes and vegetables.
     The canned food and cheese were stored inside the cave, where the temperature was much cooler.The chickens,turkeys and goats, moved into the cave the day before.
     Chance addressed the group,"I think a big storm will hit us soon, animals sense it taking shelter.The freed animals are now living in the shelter cave, only coming out to eat.Better safe than sorry, we need to pack up and move there."
     Kevin looked up at the sunny sky,"there isn't a dark cloud in the sky, but the last storm gave us no warning either."
     Cat stood up,"you heard your leader, chop chop, get moving."
                The group moved all of the necessities first, then dug up all of the vegetables, and picked all of the fruit.All of the eggs were collected,and the chickens were moved to the cave. The supply shed was cleared of every single item. The group's personal items, as well as the fishing and hunting gear, were moved as well.It took eight hours of hard work to move everything. Cat and Amy insisted on taking all of the group's beds and mattresses, which took four hours more. The last thing the group did was collect firewood.
            Matty received the massive storm warning that morning, telling Chance about it. The part about the animals seeking shelter was true, but not the real reason for the group to move.

            For the next three days, the massive storm blew and pelted rain down.The forecast predicted a hurricane of the highest rating.
     Matty stood near the cave entrance whispering,"I hope that all of the cameras, and microphones are destroyed, Chance."
     Chance whispered back,"we have a much worse dilemma than that, I wanted to be sure before I told you Megel.We have seven months or less, to leave this island.Cat missed two monthlys,and has vomited six times, in three days. I am going to become a father,my wife is pregnant."

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