Chapter 9 Stormy Weather

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Captain Lopez dipped toast into his runny eggs, "a huge storm is brewing."
     Carrie took a sip of steaming coffee,"I hope it's not a hurricane."
     The Captain pondered a long moment,"no but just to be safe, we need to go further out to sea."
     Carrie stared at the bacon, on her plate feeling guilty,"what if the groups garden and chickens, are destroyed by the storm?"
     The Captain picked up a cup of coffee,"your brother has weathered worse storms my dear. Megel is resilient, have no fear for his safety."
     Carrie kept control of her emotions,"he is just a kid, a fact you often forget."
     The Captain looked at his notes,"this test isn't due for a few weeks, no matter. The storm presents an opportunity, no time to alert your brother of the change. Megel will adapt,in the appropriate manner."
     Carrie slammed her fist upon the table,"how long do you plan, on keeping your test subjects on the island?"
     The Captain stood up, looking down at his daughter,"until they complete the testing, or until they miserably fail being evacuated. Your group was the first to fail Carrie, and every group since then. If these test subjects actually go all the way,to the end of the study. The series can finally air,I will recoup my money, making a fortune for my effort."
             Carrie stood on the deck of the large ship,sun shining on her face. The waves crashed against the ship, going further out to sea. They would make port by sundown, weathering the storm in the comfort of civilization.

            .         Chance was handed a map by the boy.Did he dare trust Matty?
     Cat worried,"I followed you, on this wild goose chase Chance. As you recall, the last map didn't end well, for Jake or beach group campers."
     Chance blocked out his girlfriend's noisy complaining,"we will be more careful this time Cat. From the landmarks on this map,we are getting close to the X."
      Cat's anxiety was through the roof, "the last time you spoke those words Lenerd Sanders,we were drugged and abducted, by that creepy captain."
      Chance grabbed his girlfriend's, shaking hand leading her, "it should be,on the other side of those trees."
     The cave entrance was large, vegetation covered the outside, making it appear as a hill. The teens entered the cave together. Chance removed a flashlight from his backpack, he saw a torch. Chance removed matches from the backpack lighting the torch. What they saw was remarkable, the cave was full of supplies. There was a spring with fresh water, wood was piled high against a wall.
     Chance pointed at the cave ceiling and walls,"the rock formation doesn't look like it should, this cave was man made Cat. I bet when Matty left camp,he waited here, while we searched for him."
     Cat frowned,"why should he spill the beans now? We would never have found this cave. It only took about twenty minutes to walk here. If someone built this cave,why build it so close to the garden and the sheds? "
     Chance raised his voice, "I know why Cat,it's a storm shelter! There is only one reason,Matty gave us the map.There is going to be one heck of a storm,and somehow he knows about it."
       Cat pointed at the sunny sky, upon leaving the cave,"I'm not a genius, but I do know sunshine when I see it."
     Chance walked quickly back to camp,speaking behind him,"Carrie or maybe the Captain himself, got a message to the boy. It could be hours or days,but the biggest storm we ever saw is coming. Trust me Cat, we are in danger."

            Kevin and Ronny thought Chance was crazy,he didn't say why he knew a storm was coming. He didn't say how he found a cave,or how he knew it was a storm shelter. The one thing Chance made clear, was pack everything needed to survive, and take it to the cave.
     Jake was the leader of the group,"do what Chance says.What harm can it do?If he is wrong,we can take our time putting everything back. If he is right, everything we worked so hard for, won't be destroyed. "
     No one questioned their leader's command. Amy,Julie and Page ran to the garden,digging up and picking everything that was ripe. Ronny,Kevin and Jake,picked all the ripe fruit. Matty,Chance and Cat,packed all the supplies, including personal items. Every bucket,pot and blanket held food. All was carried to the cave. Suitcases, backpacks,the tent and two tarps were carried on the second trip. The third trip consisted of fishing gear and all the chickens they could catch.
     Matty spoke near a microphone, "we moved to the cave shelter."

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