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In the midst of a dimly lit room, Yn was in the final stages of packing her belongings. Her heart felt heavy with the impending move to a new place, a girls' hostel far from her current apartment. The decision to leave was not one she had desired, and the turmoil of it all was etched on her face. She was an introverted individual, with only a handful of friends, which made the prospect of moving even more challenging.

Her true desire had always been to attend the same university as her close friend, Eun. The idea of making new friends was daunting, and Yn had always sought the comfort of Eun's companionship to escape this challenge. However, due to parental pressure and their high expectations, she had to enroll in a prestigious private university known for its exceptional business faculty.

Eun entered the room, her presence a mix of concern and understanding. She could see the sadness in Yn's eyes and knew that her friend was grappling with the same inner conflict. Yn's passion for business studies and her dream of becoming a successful businesswoman were evident to Eun.

Eun herself had mixed feelings about the situation. She understood the potential benefits of the new university for Yn but was deeply saddened by the prospect of her friend moving away. Yn's parents, being wealthy and having high aspirations for their only child, had guided her education to align with their dreams.

Eun put on a brave face, trying to hide her emotions, as she asked, "What's wrong? Why are you looking so upset?"

Yn sighed and, without uttering a word, enveloped Eun in a tight hug. Eun's heart raced, but she remained composed, focusing on lightening Yn's mood. Before Eun could respond, Yn broke the silence, "I don't want to leave you!"

Eun, maintaining her composure, reassured Yn, "It's fine, Yn. We'll still have contact, and we can meet and hang out as we always do."

Yn sighed, her worries still etched on her face.

Eun gently cupped Yn's face, causing their eyes to meet, and whispered, "Remember my promises, Yn. We'll meet every weekend."

Yn nodded gently and admitted, "I'm going to miss you a lot, unnie."

Eun kissed the top of Yn's head and replied with affection, "I'll miss you too, but I'm not as upset as you are."

This statement left Yn bewildered, and she asked, "Why not?"

Eun responded with confidence, "Because I trust you. I believe you won't break your promises, and we'll hang out every weekend." She playfully booped Yn's nose.

A sense of relief washed over Yn, and she smiled, promising, "I won't break it."

Eun's affectionate response was immediate, "Good girl."

Yn smiled back, grateful for her sweet and supportive friend. Despite the challenges ahead, their bond remained unshakable, and they were determined to keep their connection alive, even with the physical distance that lay ahead.


On her first day at the university campus, Yn had already navigated the administrative tasks, obtaining hall documents, library cards, and paying semester fees. With her essentials in hand, she decided to take a stroll around the bustling campus, where students moved about in every direction. Many of them appeared affluent, which was in line with her background.

The campus was alive with activity. Groups of students huddled together, chatting, and sharing stories. Some engaged in a cultural demonstration under the shade of a massive tree, while others leisurely wandered, much like Yn herself.

Yn was not comfortable in crowded places due to her introverted nature. She preferred minimal social contact and had maintained only a few close friendships throughout her school and college life. The prospect of mingling with strangers was daunting, and the sea of unfamiliar faces made her uneasy. Clutching her backpack tightly, she opted to return to her new residence, a student apartment allocated exclusively to university attendees.

She reached the apartment's front desk and inquired about her room number. The manager handed her a key provided by the university authorities. With her heavy luggage in tow, Yn ascended the five floors to reach her room, number 509.

Upon her arrival at the door, she found it locked from the inside. She gently knocked, and a voice from within asked, "Who is it?"

Yn, momentarily startled by the question, composed herself and replied, "Umm, I'm Kim Yn. The manager asked me to check in here."

Soft footsteps approached the door, and it was soon opened by a welcoming and beautiful girl. She greeted Yn warmly, "Hey."

Yn bowed her head politely and replied, "Annyeong."

The girl nodded in return and initiated a conversation, "So, you're from the new batch, right?"

Yn nodded, and the girl invited her to come inside, showing hospitality. Yn entered and took a seat, as the girl introduced herself as Jeon Somi, her senior.

Somi gave Yn a quick tour of the apartment, and the room appeared cozy and comfortable, despite its moderate size. Somi's friendly and chatty nature put Yn at ease, making her feel more comfortable in her new surroundings.

As they settled in, Somi asked Yn a personal question, seeking to establish the apartment's rules. Yn hesitated but eventually responded. Somi inquired if Yn smoked, and Yn, unwilling to reveal too much, replied in the negative.

Somi explained the rules of the apartment, making it clear that she did not allow gatherings and expected residents to inform her if they would be late coming home. Yn appreciated these rules, as they aligned with her own preferences.

Somi warmly smiled at Yn, reminding her of the responsibility she held as a senior and roommate. Yn understood the gesture and acknowledged her commitment.

Somi suggested that Yn could use her new room to freshen up and rest, as she prepared something to eat. Yn expressed her gratitude before heading to her room, closing the door quietly. She was relieved to find a roommate who shared her disinterest in socializing.

Once in her new room, Yn took a moment to reflect. She glanced at her phone, hoping for a message or call from her dear friend, Eun. However, there was no communication from Eun, which made Yn miss her even more.

Feeling a sense of solitude in her new environment, Yn decided to initiate contact. She snapped a selfie of herself in her new room and sent it to Eun, along with a text message.

Yn: Unnie, look. I finally reached my new apartment.

Eun replied promptly, displaying her concern.

Eun: Good. So tell me, is it comfortable for you?

Yn responded with honesty.

Yn: Yeah, kind of. But not like ours.

Eun, with a hint of playfulness, teased Yn about her attachment.

Eun: Aww! Don't tell me that you already started to miss me, sweetheart!

Yn's message conveyed her feelings of longing.

Yn: I already do, unnie 😞.

Eun offered to make a call.

Eun: Awww! 🥺🥺🥺. You want me to call you?

Yn agreed, and Eun promised to call after her classes. Yn placed her phone on the bed and decided to refresh herself. She selected a towel, an oversized t-shirt, and pajamas from her closet, heading to the bathroom to freshen up, looking forward to their upcoming conversation.

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