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None POV:

Jenny forcefully pulled the bewildered Yn across the threshold, the echo of the closing door signaling an ominous finality. The metallic click of the lock reverberated through the tense silence that followed.

Yn, still grappling with the shock of the sudden abduction, finally found words amid the disarray. "What was that, Ms. Jenny? Why did you say that? I don't even know you!"

Jenny, with a sigh that seemed to carry the weight of undisclosed burdens, attempted to pacify Yn. "Calm down, Yn."

Yn's agitation, however, showed no signs of subsiding. "No, I can't! I can't calm down after whatever you did."

Jenny's attempt at reassurance escalated into a sudden outburst, her frustration breaking through. "Just fucking calm down, Yn! Why are you overreacting?"

Silence enveloped the room as Yn stood there, speechless and wide-eyed.

Jenny, seemingly driven by her own internal storm, continued with a shout that cut through the stillness. "I also don't know you. So there's nothing to take those seriously," she declared, a mad fervor underlying her words, creating an unsettling atmosphere in the confined space.

Yn, unaccustomed to the jarring sound of raised voices, felt the echoes of Jenny's shouts reverberate through her like an unsettling tremor. Her parents and close friends had always been cognizant of her sensitivity, avoiding any sharp tones that could trigger traumatic echoes from her past.

Jenny, however, proved to be an exception—a relentless storm of loud words that battered against the fragile walls of Yn's mental sanctuary. The barrage of shouts began to chip away at the carefully constructed defenses Yn had built over years.

Each shout felt like a hammer striking the already fractured pieces of Yn's psyche. As the verbal assault continued, Yn's inward resilience began to crumble, paving the way for a deepening sense of despair. This wasn't just an argument; it was an assault on the very core of Yn's well-being.

Fighting back tears, Yn made a silent decision, a coping mechanism she had honed over the years when faced with such emotional turbulence. She withdrew into herself, a shield of silence and averted eyes. It was a retreat into a self-imposed cocoon, an attempt to protect the fragile fragments of her mental stability from further shattering.

Jenny's shouts now fell on a stoic, unmoving figure. Yn, with a facade of indifference, locked herself in a silent sanctuary, refusing to let Jenny's words penetrate the carefully guarded chambers of her wounded soul. The profound silence that ensued carried the weight of Yn's unspoken struggles, an invisible battlefield where the echoes of shouted words clashed with the resilient walls of a fragile mind.

As Jenny's barrage of verbal attacks continued, Yn, a silent figure in the storm, absorbed each cutting word without retaliation. Jenny, undeterred by Yn's silence, escalated her assault, dismissing any possibility of their connection with callous words.

Jenny's vitriol reached a climax as she declared, "Someone so disturbing and stupid like you can never be my type. Let alone be my boyfriend, I would rather die than spend a single moment with you. Do you get me?"

Yn, maintaining her quiet composure, offered no response, inciting Jenny's frustration to new heights. "What! Reply to me, idiot!" Jenny's shouts reverberated in the confined space, but Yn's stoic silence remained unbroken.

Unable to bear the relentless silence, Yn, with an air of calm resignation, spoke softly, "I'm sorry to bother you. I'm leaving now." Her attempt to exit, however, was abruptly halted as Jenny, consumed by a desperate need for acknowledgment, seized Yn's collar and pinned her against the wall.

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