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Yn immediately ran back to her apartment. There she quickly packed up her things and ran back to her parents home.
She's already done with everything.
She can't tolerate herself being in front of the person whose culprit is she.
She couldn't believe that she was this worse that she is even the culprit of breaking someone's heart.

Yn lost all her self confidence. Now all she wants is just to hide in her parents'cage like before whenever she used to face any problem.

Back to home:

Yns parents got worried after seeing the sudden presence of their only child at home. They tried to talk with Yn ,but Yn wasn't letting them to.
After coming back to home ,all Yn did was to lock herself in her bedroom and never come out from there.

Time skip to the evening:

Yns father: Did you talk with her , Emily?

Yns mother: No , honey. She's not responding to me at all. I knocked at her door for multiple times already,but she's not ready to open it .

Yns father:( got more worried and then said)
My friend, Kim called me this morning. He told me that, Yn was at their house with Jenny , last night.

Yns mother:( heart shook in worries now )
S-she again went with that girl ?

Yns father: Emily calm down!

Yns mother: How can I not, Yns appa!
That girl first trapped our girl and then made our girl's life hell by leaving our girl's in the midway and making her lose her memories.

Yns father: Emily calm down. You know things weren't exactly like that !
Plus , you don't have to believe whatever Eun told us !

Yns mother: No , I've to Yns appa . Because she was the one who saved our daughter at that time.
Not like your friend's daughter,who left my baby in trauma.
My baby ,who used to be the shine of my house then ,now become the most quiet person in the whole world. She doesn't even express a word about herself to us.
She completely closed herself since your friend's girl left her. (Said while shedding her tears)

Yns father : ( sighed ) Emily. For god's sake, don't cry now.
Calm down.
You just can't believe what other's say to you .
Our baby never said that she's now in this state because of Jenny.

Yns mother: How can she say that to us , Yns appa !
That girl made our baby so traumatized that our baby lost her memories.

Yns father:(sighed sadly)

Yns mother: Listen to me ,Yns Appa .
You can't change my opinion about that girl. That girl will be forever a witch to me.
A witch that destroyed my baby's happiness.

Yns father: Emily --(cut off by Yns mother)

Yns mother: And don't think that I don't know what you and your friend are planning now.
You guys want to make my baby back to that girl's life, right?

Yns father:...

Yns mother:(warned her husband)
Don't you even dare to think of that,Yns Appa. !
Otherwise, you'll see my worst side.
I'll go back to my parent's house if you ever dare to think that!

Yns father:(sighed at his crazy wife and then coldly said )
Then go , Emily. Do whatever you want!
But I ain't stopping my targets this time.
I know we'll never get someone so perfect for your daughter like that girl ,Jenny .
Only she can handle our baby. If she destroyed our baby's life then I believe only she'll be the one who can make it again.

Yns mother:.....

Yns father: So this time, either anyone supports me or not,I Kim , all alone will make sure to settle my baby's life with someone who really cares for her. (Said sternly and madly left the spot)

THAT'S MY GIRL (KIM JENNY X FEMALE READER)Where stories live. Discover now