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«things she never got over»

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«things she never got over»


LISSA BREKKER WAS HER BROTHER'S SISTER. In more ways than one, and whether she wanted him to or not, Kaz had an influence on her life. His blood ran so deep inside her that at times she found herself wondering if she ever truly was herself, or just whatever she'd tried to be more to become more like her brother. She didn't like to owe favors, such was the way she was raised, but other people owing her favors, that was a whole another story. It was clear to Lissa that whatever would be waiting on the other side for them at Ketterdam could not calmed by the necklace alone and she intended to get her friend out. Maya deserved her freedom and Lissa would not have her earn her way out.

When the crew started making their way up to the harbor to get back to Ketterdam, Lissa stopped, a wince on her face already as she looked at her brother, "I hate to say this but I... I have some business to take care of, you guys go ahead, I'll join you later."

Kaz's cane slams down in front of her feet, blocking her from going any further, "What business?" he looks at her, his eyes harsh and full of warning, she knew what he wanted her to do but for once in her life she would not do it.

"It's... business, trust that I'll take care of it, just make sure that Jesper doesn't spend my share of the money gambling away." Lissa says to Kaz, moving away from his gaze and pulling her hat down, "Alright then, see you soon." she smiles.

"Lissa." Kaz's gloved hand reached for Lissa's but she was already moving, it was like she was flying away. No, not flying. Floating. Lissa was floating away... they had never been apart from each other. It had always been the way it had from the beginning, Jordie had Kaz and Kaz had Lissa. They looked out for each other and Kaz didn't know how to exist without Lissa, being away from her was like being away from the one part of himself that seemed tolerable.

"She'll be fine, Kaz," Inej says, and Kaz believes her because he has to, he moves away to the ship without a word, wherever she was going, she'd handle herself well, he believed in her that much but it was the rest of the world that seemed to lack, "She's endured tougher things."

"I know," Kaz turned around to tell her roughly and Inej backed off, she had always struggled to understand the two, how they claimed to be so independent, so detached and yet one sign of trouble and their eyes searched for no one else but the other, "Let's go, she'll make our way back to us when she wills."

"What? Go?" Jesper said with guffaw, "Surely we aren't going to let her go like this? Poor girl's been injured, she's hungry, what if she passes out—"

"She will be just fine, Jesper, I cannot say the same for us if we don't get back soon." Kaz blocked Jesper from moving forward with his cane and the three of them made their way to the seats they could find. Jesper pursed his lips but followed Kaz in anyway.

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