Chapter 16: O_O

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Blood started to trickle from where Rose had plunged her sword.

From the corners of Scribes mouth blood came.

"Not...bad..." Scribe sputtered.

Rose eye's turned back to normal as her magic died down.

She pulled out her sword which was covered in blood.

Scribe slid down till he was sitting on the floor.

Rose walked away. The force field had gone.


Rose turned around and looked at Scribe.

He grinned.


Suddenly everything went dark. Normally Rose could see in the dark but she couldn't. This wasn't natural. Rose noticed something go in front of her. A pair of black wings.

Suddenly all the lights went on. Scribe was gone. All that was there were blood stains and black feathers. Too big to be a birds. Around the size of a symbol in it's human form. A dark symbol.



Rose climbed the machine up to where Wolf was.

She used her magic to make a shadow key to unlock the chains. Wolf feel into her arms. He was still unconscious.

She used her magic to get them both down. Wolf was quite heavy.

When they got down she checked him for any injuries. He seemed to be fine aperture from a few bruises on his head. Probably from when Scribe knocked him out.

"Mmmm..." Wolf mumbled. He opened his eye's. "Oww... my head."

"Morning sleeping beauty." Telp teased.



"Umm.. where are we?"

"We are in the hidden room in the sewer." Rose replied.

"Oh. Wait, where is that blond guy."

"Rose went rage mode and stabbed him through the heart. Then a symbol in it's human form with black wings came, made the room pitch black using magic so Rose couldn't see him but it didn't affect me so I could see him and he took Scribe, the blond guy, away."

Rose looked at Telp.

"Why didn't you tell me you saw him?"

"You never asked. Now give me a minute 'cause I used a lot of magic trying to break a force field."

Telp fell asleep.

"Okay.... so ummm Rose did the guy mention there was a bomb in here?"


"Because before he knocked me out he mentioned that when he leaves this room a bomb will go off in around ten minutes time to erase the evidence that he was ever there. I think we should start running."


Rose grabbed Telp and put her in her bag. Rose and Wolf started to run away from the room.

Rose and Telp: The beginningWhere stories live. Discover now