chapter 11: hospital.

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Rose was in the waiting room.  Telp was sleeping in her bag. She wanted to know if Simon was okay. She was starting to drift off but she kept herself awake.


Rose looked up at the person yelling at her.




"Oh it's you." A woman walked up to her.

Mandy Tiara. Reporter for the rebellion. One time Rose did a mission for her as a body guard. She fought fifty maniacs in one night for her and what did she do? She wrote an article on how Rose was the worst body guard in existence just because Mandy got a scratch on her hand. This was the reason Rose doesn't do any face to face bodyguard mission's.

Mandy brushed away her short brown hair.

"What are you doing here?"

"Could say the same to you."

"I'm here reporting about how two of our beloved councillors were attacked. Also about how Counciller Wolf was kidnapped by the masked killer in blue."

"He didn't have a mask."

"How do you know?"

"I was there."

"Well how did he look like?"

"He had blonde hair and blue eye's. He wore a long blue jacket lined with yellow. He also had a white shirt and blue jeans. His eye's were strange as they were very pale."

"How come you were there?"

"I was doing a delivery. I saw him through the window. He looked through the window so I saw his eyes."


"What was that?"

"Likely story. You probably was doing a body guard mission for them. Why they choose you is beyond me. Your just a rookie."

"The reason I'm a rookie is because I don't have time for the tests. I wasn't on a bodyguard mission. I had done my mission hours before."

"Right. I kn-"

The nurse entered the room.

"Miss Rose. Councillor Simon will recover. He just had a very nasty knock to the head, as well as some cuts from a sword. He should be able to leave in a few days."

The nurse looked at Mandy.

"Miss Mandy, I have told you before. Unless you have a serious injury or someone you know needs medical attention. Please do not come here! You are banned because of you savage questioning to patients. Your to leave! NOW!"

"My readers need to know about what happened! I want to talk to Councillor Simon!"

"You can talk to him once he has recovered! LEAVE!"

Mandy sulked and left.

"Sorry about that miss Rose."

"It's alright. It's about time someone put her in her place."

"You should go home. Simon won't be able to leave today."

"That's fine. I just wanted to know if he was going to back alright.


"Goodnight miss Rose."

Rose gave a wave and left.


She went into a alleyway. Telp woke up.

"What?.... Where are we rosy?"

"In a alleyway."

"Where's Wolfie?"

"Tell you later. Just take us home."


And they teleported away.

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