𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚞𝚎𝚜...

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Nah these niggas buggin

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Nah these niggas buggin. Both of them. One Dd trippin fa shouting at her and Ava trippin fa son zoning him. At least friend zone the nigga but son zone? Ouch. I went in Ava's room and she looked at me.

"Hey." She mumbled wiping her face and I walked closer to her.

"Is you cryin nigga?" I asked and she mugged me.

"Fuck no. I had something in ma eye." She mumbled and it ain't take a genius to tell she was lying. 

"Yea sure." I mumbled and Milly looked at me.

"Hey poochie." I mumbled grabbing her and she made bubbles. 

"You gotta stop doing that. Tia and Tio trippin." I mumbled and she looked at me. The both of them.

"Me? Trippin? Nigga please." She mumbled and I side eyed her heavy.

"One ya ass son zoned ma ooter, you yelled in his face and you hit him...From what I can see you trippin." I mumbled and she thought about it. 

"Well he shouted first." She whispered her voice cracking a little and I put Milly on her belly and hugged Ava.

"It's coo he gon get over it." I mumbled and she looked at me and I grabbed her chin.

"You okay?" I asked and she nodded and I don't know what happened but I ended up kissing her and I know I just fucked shit up but rn it didn't matter.

I grabbed her neck when she kissed me back and one of her hands held onto mine while I bit her lip and pushed my tongue into her mouth and Ava smiled and grabbed onto my face. The moment couldn't last for like 5 minutes when something shattered. I pulled away and looked at the door and Ddot stood there with his mouth WIDE open and a bottle of vodka on the floor in pieces. 

"D it's not what it looks like." I mumbled and he didn't move.

"You- Kissed- Ava-" He mumbled cutting himself off through each word. 

"Okay it is what it looks like. Um.....don't tell D. Please." I mumbled and someone came up the stairs. 

"Don't tell me what?" Dd asked and I looked at him, Ddot just stood there and I looked at my brother rubbing my neck.

"Nothin." I mumbled lying through ma gun.

"Notti what you do?" He asked and I looked at him confused.

"Thought you would b wid a smooch." I mumbled changing the subject and he sighed.

"Didn't feel right. I came fa ma princess." He mumbled looking at Milly who was laying there.

"Sorry to burst ya bubble but your not going anywhere near her till you apologise." Ava mumbled and he smacked his lips and walked towards her and grabbed her neck and kissed her.

 Ddot looked at me while I......I wasn't mad......I was more than pissed.

"A good enough apology?" He asked and she looked at me and I said nothing and walked out while Dd grabbed Milly.

"Notti wait." Ddot mumbled coming down after me n the niggas in the main looked at me while I put my trainers on. 

"Notti." Ddot mumbled and I ignored him.

"You good?" He asked and I ignored him and Dd came down, giving Milly to Edot and looked at me and came towards me. 

"Was wrong wichu?" He asked and I ignored him too, opening the door but he grabbed my arm.

"I'm talking to you." He mumbled and I pushed him off me.

"Don't touch me dicc." I mumbled pulling my hood over my head and leaving. 

I fasho knew I was finna get myself into some bad shit tonight......

Nah I was mad confused

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Nah I was mad confused. First Ava ain't wanna talk to me and now my own blood? Tf happened to that nigga?

"FUCK!" Ddot yelled kicking over a chair and Milly started crying.

"Yo chill mane." Jay mumbled and I took Milly from Edot and put her head on my shoulder.

"It's okay mamma. Dotty a lil mad rn that's all." I mumbled and she screamed even louder.

"Hey come." I mumbled and I grabbed her buggy thing and put her in it before pushing her around the house and she eventually fell asleep.

"What happened to Notti?" I asked and Ddot looked at me then Ava.

"Figure it out genius." He mumbled and I was mad confused.

"Ma nigga it was a question." I mumbled and he looked at me.

"Don't ask me, ask either her or Notti." He mumbled laying on the couch and the door opened and Notti walked in before grabbing my pants and taking my gun.

"Nigga what is you doing?" I asked and he brushed me off and walked out again. 

Nah fuck that shit.

I ran out after him and he was walking mad fast.

"Notti mane was wrong wichu?" I asked and he ignored me and I ran in front of him.

"Move outa ma way dicc." He mumbled and I just stared at him blankly.

"Wa I do?" I asked and he rolled his eyes at me and moved to the side and was bouta walk away but I stepped in front of him.

"Tell me or you ain't leaving." I mumbled and he pushed me out the way but wasn't fast enough to get away.

He walked back towards the house and I followed him and before I could even ask another question he ran past me. 

"Notti come back bro!" I yelled and he kept running.

"Suck ma dick!" He yelled running off in the distance.........

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