𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝...

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Jay was driving mad slow and it was bugging me

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Jay was driving mad slow and it was bugging me. Not because Ava was sitting on me but it was bugging me. Them 2 simps was all over each other and it was really weird. Ion know why Dotty made me come but I did it for him so.

"Ma nigga drive faster!" I yelled at Jay and he looked at me.

"I'll drive slower." He mumbled and Shev slapped his head.

"Pick it up." She mumbled and he drove faster and I relaxed a little and slid down in the chair forgetting Ava sitting on me.

"Don't get to comfortable." She mumbled moving back a bit and I watched as she did and saw Sky and Shev watching me.

"Fuck you lookin at." I mumbled pushing both they faces and they just started laughing.

"You know what you was doin." Sky mumbled and I glared at her.

"Skylar shut up." I mumbled and she smiled and looked down trying not to laugh. 

I put my hand on Ava's waist and closed ma eyes.......

I looked at Dd n his eyes were closed and them 2 idiots was just laughing

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I looked at Dd n his eyes were closed and them 2 idiots was just laughing.

"Bro stop laughing." I mumbled hitting them both and they just kept laughing.

"Yo stop moving mane." Dd mumbled and I looked at him.

"Bro stfu." I mumbled and he looked at me.

"Try it again and ya ass is sitting on the floor." He mumbled and I smiled.

"Stfu." I mumbled and he opened his legs and I fell thru.

"Wasn't playing wichu." He mumbled and I hit him in his shit.

"Oh shit." Shev mumbled.

"AHHHH! Fuck is wrong wichu?!" He yelled and I smiled.

"You deserved it." I mumbled and Edot looked at him.

"What she do?" He asked and Dd held onto his dick and looked at him.

"She decked me in ma shit." He mumbled and Edot started laughing.

"It's not fucking funny dicc." He mumbled and I smiled and sat back on his lap.

"Yo ass best pray I can have kids." He mumbled not moving his hands and I smiled and Jay stopped the car.

"Aii let's go." He mumbled and we got out and Sky grabbed Shev's hand and she cheesed mad hard.

"So we all dating okay apart from you two." Shev mumbled looking at Jay and Edot.

"I'm not dating her." "I'm not dating him." We said at the same time and Shev grabed both out hands and connected them.

"I don't care. Today you are. Just get along for once." She mumbled grabbing Sky's hand again and we walked into the mall and was exploring round.

It was mad weird I was holding Dd's hand and he didn't look like he cared but he was still pissed that I hit his nuts.

"Sorry about your little dick." I whispered and he looked at me.

"Little?" He asked and I smacked my lips.

"I'm trying to b nice for once can't you just forgive me?" I asked getting irritated and he looked ahead.

"Sure whatever. Sorry for letting you sit on the floor." He mumbled and I smiled.

"Corny ass." I mumbled and he pushed me.

"Dayroom ass." He mumbled and I smiled and grabbed his hand.

Did I say it was weird? I don't remember...

"Oooo let's go in pandora!" Sky screamed and we all went in and Jay and Edot was on they phones and Dd looked at me.

"You ain't gon buy something?" He asked and I shook ma head.

"Not into rings like that." I mumbled and he looked around.

"Get this." He mumbled picking up a silver necklace with the letter A on it.

"Meh." I mumbled and he smacked his lips and put it on me.

"I like it." He mumbled and I looked down.

"Yea whatever." I mumbled and he smiled and took it off before going to the register.....

" I mumbled and he smiled and took it off before going to the register

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"Damn it looks cute." Jay mumbled looking at it and Dd smiled.

"I picked it out." He stated and I smiled.

"Shut up. I paid fucking 100 dollars for it." I mumbled and he smiled and wrapped his arm over my shoulder...................

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