14- The meeting

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Jay's POV

We salute the Colonel, the Commander and the Brigadier. Then I speak.

"Thank you for agreeing to see us so quickly. When we went into the building where our target was supposed to be, we found photos of all our families with personal information. So we took pictures of them and took them with us to prevent others from falling on them and using them against us. "

"Can you show us all his photos and information?" Ask the Colonel

"Yes, of course. Here." I put them on the table.

"Okay, we're going to have to put all your families under protection. But Lieutenant Halstead, on your file, it says you only have one brother. Who are his other people?" Request the Brigadier General

"These are the people who work with me. They've all become family." I tell him

"Okay, they have to go under protection too." Brigadier General says.

"All right. My team has to go home. We're all injured in the ambush, so we'll go and warn them as soon as we get there." I tell them"All ight. I'll send another team with you to protect you." Commander says

"When are we going to leave?" I ask

"In an hour. A helicopter will come looking for you, and take you to the airport. Then you will fly to the Chicago base. In the meantime, we'll notify all your families to meet us at the Chicago base, except for your Lieutenant Halstead, since you live in Chicago. Then you'll have a convoy to pick up your Lieutenant Halstead flaw."

"Very good. Thank you again for having us." I said.

We salute them and leave.

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