21- A trap

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Jay's POV

So we hit the road once the vehicles were checked. We went to Voight, Kim and Adam, Kevin, Al, Trudy, and Antonio. So we go to Hailey's. She goes to get her things, and then she goes down. Once outside the building, a car explodes. So we're sheltering the families and looking for the enemy.

"John, Mike, and Lucas are together. Me, Luke and Clark are together." I order. When suddenly we get shot. I push the guys and get shot. So I pull a tourniquet on my leg. Then we fight back and shoot at the enemy. There were about 20 of them, and there were only six of us, like Ellis and Steve, who had had an operation. It was a close fight. There were only about ten of them when they threw a grenade at us and I sent it back very quickly. That grenade neutralized five men. There are five men left, but they are wounded. The fight ends two minutes later. They all died of a bullet in the head or succumbed to their wounds. 

Once the area was checked for danger, we went to get the others. They were all relieved to see us alive. Then I go in the van to get the first aid kit to treat myself. I tear my pants, clean my wound, and the suture. Then I make a bandage.

I go back to the others to get the phone to contact the army.

"Diaz, your phone with secure lines please." I ask him. And he throws it at me. Then I call Commander River.

CR: "Commander River"

H: "Hello Commander River, I'm calling to warn you that a group of twenty men have trapped us. They're all dead. We're all fine on our side."

CR: "All right, Lieutenant Halstead. Can you secure the area until the military police arrive?"

H: "No problem, Commander." And on that, the Commander hangs up.

I go up and give Diaz the phone.

"Okay, we have to wait for the military police to arrive. Then we can go. My team, we have to go secure the area." I say. Then my team and I go down.

We secure the area when we notice a bomb hidden under a vehicle.

"Guys, clear the area now. There's a bomb under one of the vehicles. I'll try to disarm it. Lucas, go get Diaz." I order screaming.

My unit runs out and obeys my orders. Meanwhile, I'm under the car trying to disarm the bomb. Diaz comes running and asks me what he can do.

D: "What can I do?"

H: "Give me a piece of paper and a pencil."

He passes me a piece of paper and I draw the bomb. Then I make a message: Possible mole among us. Then I give him back the paper and the pencil.

H: "The message, you don't read it. And you only give it if I don't survive. Understood?"

CR: "Understood."

H: Okay, now go and look after the others. You don't let anyone come back."

And on that, he goes running. I look at the nearest bomb again and I see that there is a timer that says: 01: 23. So I'm looking for a way to disarm it, but time flies. There are too many wires. I've never seen a bomb like that. There's only 20 seconds left.

Hank's POV

Jay still hasn't come back. He's the only one who's been here. Diaz just came back when all of a sudden you hear a big BOOM.

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