19- Sargent Platt

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Jay's POV

Once we arrive in front of the district, we descend and head towards Sergeant Platt. So I decide to surprise him by changing my voice.

"Hello Sergeant Platt, I'd like to speak to Intelligence." I say with a much deeper voice.

"Why?" She answers me.

I'm bursting with laughter inside me.

"How about a family reunion?" As soon as I say that, she raises her head. She looks shocked.

"Jayy how are you?" She asks me.

"I'm very - badly, he hurt himself in battle." Will cut me off.

"Will! You don't have to shout it from the rooftops." I said annoyed.

"What does our bullet magnet have?" Sergeant Platt asks me on the tone of humor.

"I may have three gunshot wounds, but it's okay." I say quietly

"Jay, you need to stop drawing bullets." Sergeant Platt tells me

"I know. Would it be possible for you to come upstairs with us please?" I asked him.

"I'm coming." She said.

She comes out from behind her desk and goes upstairs with us.

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