17- Auscultation

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Jay's POV

Currently, I am totally bored because I have to deal with what I hate the most: the hospital. At the same time who loves the hospital? But I have no choice but to follow my brother and Connor.

"Sit down, Jay, and please show me your wounds." Connor said to me. I look at him bored.

"Jay, the sooner you get checked, the sooner you're gone. And don't look at us like that." Will steps in.

"Okay." I sigh. I take off my shirt. I don't want him to make a big deal out of it because I'm hurt.

"Jay, you were limping, take your pants off!" Will orders me.

"Ok, I admit I'm defeated this time." I say

Once I take my pants off, Connor looks at my wounds.

"How did you get them?" Connor asks me.

"Confidential" I answer

"Okay, but can you at least tell me what you're suffering from, what you've been told..." Connor asks me.

"The bullet in the leg and arm came out all by itself like big ones, but on the shoulder, we needed cooperation between the ball and a clip." I say with a sense of humor.

"Jay stop, you did all this on your own. I know, I heard you." Will told me.

"That's true, but I'm tall, I wasn't thrown by a bomb, I was shot. It's not a tragedy." I say slightly annoyed. So Will decides to leave as he is tired of my attitude. So I turn to a soldier.

"Go and follow him. I can defend myself, but he can't. Even wounded." I say leaving no room for debate. The soldier leaves. So I turn to Connor.

"So, doc, is everything okay? Can I go?" I'm slightly impatient.

"Everything is good. But you need to change your dressings every day and disinfect. You know the routine." Connor told me.

"Yes." I said put my clothes on.

"Well, I have to go. Thanks, Connor." I tell him, and then I go.

Jay Halstead's pastWhere stories live. Discover now