28- The end of the day

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Will's POV

I finish taking care of Jay's team. But when I turn around, I see Jay asleep. So I go and see him and start treating him. Once I've healed his head, I'm wearing it to take him to his room. Once I get there, I put him in his bed and I go ask the others if they can take Jay's team to their rooms. Then I turn to Intelligence and say not to go into the room since I'm treating Jay. I go back to the room and Jay is still sleeping. I take off his clothes and leave him in my underwear and start treating his sores. When I'm done, I put the blankets on him, and I leave the room. I'm going downstairs to tell Intelligence I'm done taking care of Jay but he's asleep.

Two hours later, I see a tired Jay walking down the stairs.

W: "Hey, are you better, Jay?"

H: "Huh... oh, hello, I'm fine, I assure you."

W: "You still got pretty banged up. Come here."

Jay walks up to me, drops on the couch and sticks to me.

W: "What's the matter?"

H: "Nothing, I'm just tired."

W: "You can sleep then."

And with that, he falls asleep. I take this opportunity to look at his wounds. They are all normal.

Hank's coming at me.

V: "How is he?"

W: "He could be better, but he's pretty good. He's mostly tired. At the same time it can be understood between four gunshot wounds, three explosions, injuries everywhere... I just wish I could help him."

V: "You already do it, you are there for him. You heal him, you allow him to sleep on you... You are a good brother Will."

W: "Thank you Hank"

A few hours later, Jay wakes up as if nothing had happened. He gets up and gets something to eat and comes back to the couch and talks to everybody. I wonder how he can do that. When dinner time comes, I see Jay getting up and cooking. I get up to go help him. But he refuses my help. So I watch him cook. Once it's all over, he calls everyone to eat. Once the meal is over, he clears the table. Everyone says good night and we all go to our respective rooms. Jay went into the bathroom to change and I joined him to deal with his injuries. Then we went to bed and fell asleep.

Jay Halstead's pastWhere stories live. Discover now