22- A shock

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Hank's POV

Everyone is worried. There is still no sign of Jay. Debris has been stolen from everywhere... We're trying to get there, but Sergeant Diaz won't let us in at Jay's request.

Jay's POV

The bomb was about to go off. So I decided to run away. But all of a sudden, I hear a little beep. I jump immediately to avoid the blast of the explosion. Everything became black.

I wake up a few seconds later. I'm very hot. I get up slowly and see if I'm not hurt. I only have a few scratches. I'm heading to the car to get the first aid kit. I clean all my wounds and I go to join the others.

Hank's POV

A few minutes after the explosion, we see a face in the distance. It's Jay. He doesn't look too bad. Everyone is relieved to see him. I thought I lost my son.

Jay's POV

When I see them, they are all relieved. My family runs to hug me. Voight waits behind everyone to hug me. During this one, he whispers in my ear: "I am glad you are alive son.". And I say, "You don't get rid of me as easily as that.". We separate from the hug and he looks at me and he says quietly: "We should talk a little later.". I was totally confused. But I am cut off from my thoughts when Will arrives furiously with all his medical equipment. I walk away directly from him. I don't want to get tested, or have a needle inside me. Will's not really thrilled. He looks at Voight with a look that requires help.

Hank's POV

I see Will giving me a look that means "please help me". So I go over to Jay and say, "Son, let Will help you. If you don't let him, I won't tell you what I wanted to tell you." 
He looks at me and goes to Will. But as soon as Will opens his medical bag, Jay sees the needles and he's frozen in fear. He looks at me terrified. So I go to him and reassure him.

V: "Jay, you have to let Will examine you."

H: "Hank, I - I - I can't"

V: "Son, you can do it."

H: "No, I can't."

V: "Come over here."

I take him in my arms and I tell him in his ear

V: "Please, son, let him help you. If you want I can stay by your side."

H: "Would you do that for me?"

V: "Of course, son."

So I take it with me and sit next to it.

Jay's POV

Once Voight calms me down, Will starts pulling out his stuff.

W: "Jay, take off your shirt. I need to check your previous wounds."

H: Will, no"

W: "Jay, you know it's for your own good."

H: "Will, please."

I look in front of me, and Will looked at me with a persistent look, and when I look to the left, I see everyone wondering what's going on. When I look to my right, I see Voight looking at me without judgment, and taking my hand to reassure. So I take off my shirt but when everyone sees my upper body, they're all shocked. My chest is covered with burns of all types, bullet holes, traces of torture, ... While my back is covered with all kinds of traces of torture, be it knives, belt.... There is no space without scars. Everyone has lost their words, while I feel totally exposed to everyone. I look at Voight with a look that asks for help. He looks at me and understands what I want to say to him, so he tells Will.

V: "Will, keep examining it. The sooner it's done, the better."

Will picks up what he was doing. he looks at my gunshot wounds.

W: "Jay, you can put your shirt back on, but you have to take your pants off, I know you got shot here too."

I look at him bored and I look at Voight with a look that asks him to forgive me. At the time, Voight does not understand. I take off my pants, and Will looks at me annoyed.

W: "Jay, you can't keep neglecting medical care. You treated yourself four times, JAY FOUR TIMES. You can't go on like this, you're putting your life in danger by doing this. You want to die or something, because I don't want to lose my brother."

Voight shakes my hand to try to comfort me. Once Will's done, I get dressed and I walk away as the sirens sound in the distance. Voight follows me, but stops me when no one can see us anymore.

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