Forty Nine

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24th February 2024
Charles POV

So... I was right about one thing. Having Kiraz around was definitely an upset to the little eco-system that Alessia and I had created. I still couldn't decide if it was positive or negative but she was very good at getting Alessia out of her room and we had quite a lot of good moments as a result of these things.

She was also the queen of making a good moment awkward.

"Thanks for doing this," I whisper in Alessia's ear as she leans on the frame of the doorway, standing right behind her as we look into the room and see Kiraz chatting with Kelly while Max is sat on the floor with Penelope and Charles's mum who had Ruby sitting in her lap. It was an amazing sight, for me at least, I think Alessia was struggling with the sight of Ruby in my mum's lap and the smiles of those in the room as though a reminder of her mistakes.

"It's no big deal," she mutters as she lifts her phone to snap a few photos of the scene in front of us and even though she can't see me, I hope she can tell I'm shaking my head as I push the hair falling over her shoulder behind her ear, still standing right behind her. I don't know why I kept on letting myself get this close to her... all I want to do right now is wrap my arms around her waist and pull her to my chest.

Run my lips up her neck... nibble on her ear...

God, I needed to stop these thoughts. They were becoming increasingly x-rated with all the time we were spending together and I needed them to stop.

She stopped breathing until I took my hand away from where it lingered on her neck, a painful reminder of how much she resented my touch and presence. I stay in my spot, frozen and watch as she snaps a few more photos with her phone before her finger slips on accident and the selfie camera is suddenly showcasing us. I smirk at the shock on Alessia's face before reaching around her to take the phone in my hands and taking a couple photos of the two of us before she can stop me.


"Smile Alessia..." I just say smugly in response to her warning words and she rolls her eyes before she does as I say, matching my happy smile with one of her own. What I hadn't anticipated was the way that she leant back into me as she let a smile fall onto her face, her shoulders falling a little bit as the stress disappeared and I couldn't help but let me cheek rest on the side of her head as we took a few more photos - pulling silly faces as we do. "It is a big deal... I know it's a big deal for you, so thank you..." I continue as I place the phone back in her hands and force myself to pull away. I don't move far though as I lean on the other side of the door frame from where she rests, my body entirely angled towards Alessia as she turns to look at me.

Her words might be disguising how she feels but her face wasn't hiding anything. She looks torn, the pain clear in her eyes and just nods before letting her head fall to the side to continue watching the scene. Instead of turning to look at the scene that fills me with happiness, I am still enchanted with her, watching her side profile react, her face in perfect proportions and highlighted by the blue skies outside the door. I liked that her hair was back to being black instead of brown... it suited her - showed how insanely beautiful she was. That along with the patterned yellow and orange dress that fell down her figure loosely but accentuating all the right points... she was lighting up the room, as she always did.

"Quit staring Leclerc," I hear Kiraz call out and physically jump out of my skin as I turn into the room, my heart beating fast as my face turns bright red. I don't even try to dignify a response as I cross my hands over my chest defensively as I suppress the embarrassed smile on my own face. The smirks of everyone in the room told me there was no way for me to get out of it although I didn't see Alessia's reaction.

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