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Abhimanyu- can we meet her?
Doctor- yah but one person is allowed to see her now. She is still unconscious.
Dev- Abhi you go first, we will meet her next time. This time she needs you more.
Aradhya- but dad Di always have these types of wounds even worse than that, she never needs anyone, but now how she needs jiju more?
Arya- (pats her head) Aru baby, this time Pari di also have some internal wounds which was there since a decade. Which is can only healed by Abhi Bhai only.
Aradhya- oh, I understand. Jiju you go first, we will meet di later. Ok.
Abhimanyu nods his head with a small smile. Then he goes with the doctor. The doctor escorted him to the ward outside. He leaves him after giving an assuring smile to Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu slowly opens the door silently and enter without making any noise. He sees that her love is lying on the bed with many machines attached to her glass body. This clenches his heart very dreadfully. He wipes his tears and goes near to her. He sees the features of her face. Her whole face was became white and pale because of tiredness and such an emotional ups and downs. Her button nose and lips were still rose red because of that much of crying. She is really looks like a sleeping beauty or she is. Abhimanyu sits on the stool next to her bed. His hands automatically run into her silky hairs. Then he notices stitches on her neck side. Abhimanyu eye’s filled with tears again and he starts to cry silently. It was dreadful than the death to feel or imagine how your LOVE suffered from immense pain and cruelty by the destiny. He slowly kisses that place. Pari felt something soft on her neck. It gives her shivers in her spines when something soft touches her sweet spot. Then she slowly opens her eyes. Her heart gets overwhelmed when she sees her heart, her soul sitting beside her with teary eyes. She can face everything but can’t see tears in her Abhi’s eyes. She slowly take her hands near his face and wipes those tears which was about to fall from his eyes. Abhimanyu take her hands carefully in her hands and kiss her white knuckles. Then he kisses her forehead.
Abhimanyu- (concern) who are you?
Paridhi- (low voice) I’m good as always but seeing you I feeling better. You know nah I’m strong, I’M DEVIL PRINCESS.
Abhi release a small chuckled on her attics. Paridhi flew her both arms on air.
Paridhi- but now I want a something called peace and warmth which I have always craved in those years which only you can give me.
She smiled with her teary eyes. Now he can’t wait anymore. He just hugs her securely and cries his pain out.
Abhimanyu- (crying) I am sorry Angel I am sorry. I made you suffered so much but you always love me. I broke you. I can’t even protect you when you were near me. I am sorry. I don’t deserve your pain.
Paridhi- (crying but still assuring voice) doesn’t say like that Abhi. It was not your fault and you deserve everything in this world. My love is just a thing.
Abhimanyu- but for me it’s not just a thing. It’s a precious treasure which I had. And I am the luckiest man in the world to have this in my life. And I promise that I will perish this love and you till end.
Then he again kisses her forehead. Their eyes which were saying many words and emotions which sometimes we can’t convey. Then Abhi sees towards her lips and then her eyes. Pari blink her eyes for assurance. Then he met his lips on her lips which is soft as cotton. The tears were getting mixed which flowing from both of their eyes. Abhi deepens the kiss which was fall of love, pain, suffer, and many other emotions which can’t be conveyed. Paridhi is now feeling butterflies in her stomach. She is feeling like she is on the cloud nine. Her happiness has no bounds. She wraps her one arm around his neck and another one around his torso. She pulled his closer and deepens the feeling with same passion.

 She pulled his closer and deepens the feeling with same passion

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