Chapter 23 - Perfume and Bug Spray

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( A/N - I don't usually upload on Saturdays, but since I didn't update yesterday, here we are. Enjoy!)

A crowd of townspeople came rushing into the mall, shouting in horror as thousands of car sized arachnids skittered down the streets of Prosperity. Blackness filled the sky as the sun slipped under the horizon, blanketing the commotion in the moon's soft gaze. Screeches of terror thundered through the building as the security gates shut at last.

You and your group sat on a bench in the main atrium. A proud smirk was plastered on your gorgeous features, mildly mesmerizing your companions.

"Well, Harlan can't say I was lying now, huh?"

A collective eyebrow raise aimed your direction. You simply smiled and turned back towards the carnage around you.

Finally, a voice traveled above the others, demanding silence. It was Chris. The room finally went silent. The voice of a child began to lecture about the monsters outside.

Something the child said caught your attention. Perfume. A good defense against spiders. Wasn't there a perfume shop in the mall? There was, right? Next to the clothing store.

"Guy's, come with me right now. There's something we need to know."

Freddy gave you a curious glance, "What's up, Dollface?"

"No questions, Freddy. Let's go, guys."

With concern and confusion plastered on their features, they followed along as you guided them towards the perfume shop. You figured a little thievery was the least of your concerns right now. And besides. It was for the good of the people of Prosperity.

"Boys, fill your pockets and purses. AND NO QUESTIONS."

With that, you effectively ransacked a perfume shop of all its wares. Well, not all, but certainly a reasonable amount.

With your bags filled to the brim with perfume, you now instructed your friends on what to do next.

"Now then. To the hardware shop. They should have bug spray. Do your thing."

Yeah, you could definitely be arrested for this. But it was kind of necessary. You had to defend yourself against those spiders. And hey, if grand theft was the way to do it, then damn it you were sure as hell gonna do it.

Now, giving a bunch of guys free reign of a store was, admittedly, perhaps not the safest decision. But your sense of reasoning had most certainly been clouded for the past few weeks, and more so over the past few days. You were definitely going to end up being a criminal. Or at least, you thought you would.

That was, of course, until a crowd of townspeople came and started ransacking the mall themselves. They desperately grasped for random things they could use as weapons. Trying to lessen your own crimes, you directed them to the perfume shop to join in the criminal activity.

With urgency now filling the atmosphere, and your mind a veritable cavalcade of nervousness, you were most certain that this would be a night to remember. Your dearest confidants made the completion of their task known, and you made your way back towards the main atrium.

"Now then. Guys. Listen closely to what I tell you. And no questions, got it?"

Your friends nodded.

"Those spiders are gonna get in here. That metal door isn't gonna hold them forever. So when they do, you're gonna throw these damn perfume bottles like grenades, and haul your asses to follow the masses wherever they guide you. Got it?"

"Just one question." Freddy raised his hand like a school kid.

You groaned, "Yes, Freddy?"

"So, if we're hauling our asses, what are you doing?"

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