Chapter 26 - Deep In the Heart of Texas

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You'd never been to Texas, but you had heard about it. You'd heard that people in Texas were quite proud to be Texan. You knew it was the second largest state, but apparently Texas always said it was the largest. You heard they had their own state pledge. You heard that they were all cowboys and cowgirls and that they all lived on ranches and rode horses. You heard that they all owned guns, and spoke in a heavy southern drawl.

You didn't know if any of it was true. But you were soon to find out. You'd passed the state line yesterday, and now you were heading towards the next town on the map. Newt Texas. Apparently it was a pretty small town, but it was late at night now. You'd stopped at a rest stop last night, so you really hadn't talked to anyone yesterday.

You'd barely done anything but drive since yesterday. So, here you were. You were driving into Newt Texas late at night. The only problem was... there was nothing. Anywhere. You had absolutely nowhere to stop. Supposedly, you'd arrived in town some twenty miles back. But you'd not seen a soul since you entered the town limits.

So here you were, searching for somewhere to stop in the middle of damn nowhere. You decided that perhaps the best idea would be to pull over on the side of the road and check the map again. Maybe you'd taken a wrong turn.

So, you did just that. But when you looked, to your dismay, you were most definitely in the right place. A shame. You'd just have to keep driving. If you got tired enough, you could always pull over onto the shoulder and take a short nap before getting moving again.


Another half an hour of driving ended up having some slight results. Mainly. A gas station. It was that first thing you'd seen since traveling almost half a day through this part of the state. So, you were glad to be nearing something even remotely resembling civilization.

You saw that the store at the station was open. A few customers were even around. You wondered if the shop had a bathroom. [Deity], you hoped it did. You could get some gas, ask for directions to any motels or anything that might be nearby, and then use the toilet and leave.

You figured now would be a good time to wake up your gang so that, if they needed, they could also use the bathroom. But you decided to wait just until you'd made sure there actually was a bathroom to use.

You parked next to one of the gas pumps and pulled out your wallet. Then, you went inside to pay and ask for directions.

The shop was busy, despite it being almost half-past midnight. Not that you minded. Without the customers, you probably would've been too creeped out by the place to actually go inside. But, thanks to a rowdy group of teens, very lively. You felt much more comfortable with these random people hanging about.

You noted there was a bathroom on one end of the shop. It was just a single bathroom, so you assumed anyone could use it. But it was labeled as only for paying customers. Well, you were going to buy gas, at the very least. And hey, maybe you would buy some snacks too.

So, you ran out to the car and woke everyone up, herding them inside. The old man at the counter seemed to appreciate the business, but was certainly surprised by the amount of tourists that were about. It was definitely unexpected.

You picked out a few bags of snacks and put them down on the counter, along with a wad of cash for a full tank of gas. He nodded and rang you up, and you paid.

"Hey, Mr. uhm... Sawyer. Would you happen to know any place me and my company could stay the night?"

"Sure! There's a place down the road. Just three miles. Can't miss it."

The old man, Mr. Sawyer, was incredibly polite. He also spoke in the thickest of southern drawls, so deciphering him was a slight challenge. But, you took his advice and got on the road again, hoping you'd be able to get some rest soon.

Lucky for you, it was true. You went to bed that night and prayed tomorrow would bring you out of Texas and into Louisiana. Oh, if only you knew.

(A/N - Sorry for the insanely short chapter, I was super busy today, and didn't have much time to write between school, and writing the other book. I'll try to get longer chapters out, but I don't know if I will until at least Friday. Sorry, Gummy Bears. Still though, I hope you enjoyed!

[Words: 750]

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