Chapter 33 - Butter My Buns and Call Me a Biscuit! What the Fuck Was That???

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(A/N - @Alannaism3 I know you were waiting eagerly by the phone for this one! Here you are! Sorry it's so short.)

 The old man picked up the doll off the ground, and immediately began shouting at his brothers.


Bubba knew what it was. But he had far too much self-preservation to share that information. His brothers were clueless.

Drayton tossed the doll into a trash bin and gave a disgusted expression.

"You damn shits better find out where that thing came from. I gotta go take care of that damn radio girl. You three search the house."

At that signal, the oldest left the group and, subsequently, the house. Choptop and Nubbins ran around the building searching for whatever could've put the doll there.

Dumbasses. While the two of them were running around, Bubba came and opened up the closet, directing the boys to the exit.

After that, it was nothing but chaos.


All of this, obviously, brings us to now. You were passed out on Betty's back, and you just woke up. There was a car full of cannibals driving after you. Caught up? Perfect. Let's keep going!

Drayton Sawyer was a shitty driver - not that any of the Sawyers could technically operate a vehicle even slightly legally, but still. He was a crap driver. But you see, the issue with shitty drivers is that they're erratic. And you were being chased by one. Quick! Make a life threatening decision to save your ass!

And you did just that. You directed Betty to climb up a tree on the side of the road. How these freaks weren't dissuaded by the giant spider already was beyond you, but perhaps now wasn't the time to be debating such things, yes?

So, up you went. Betty carried you up into a tree, and laced along the trees to keep from the Sawyers slamming into one of them and dying themselves. Sure, you were being chased to be plated, but that sure as hell hadn't seemed to stop your stupid ass before, now had it?

Of course, you could only stall the inevitable, and the car spun and crashed against a tree. Three of the sawyers climbed out of the car. The fourth didn't. He was stuck. The engine exploded.

The three Sawyers who escaped, however, didn't seem very upset about the situation. It was Drayton who'd died. And he was an ass. So honestly, who gives a shit? Sorry to all you who liked him, but uhhh... Yeah. Not my thing. Sorry about that.

Instead, the three Sawyers just stood there, staring at the burning car. They looked at you, then at the car, then you, then back to the car.

They all started cheering. Your jaw dropped. You directed Betty down from the trees, and back towards the three brothers. As you did, Diamond pulled up in your car, stopping on the side of the road.

Cautiously, you climbed down from Betty's back, and walked towards the brothers.

The skinny hippie was the first to greet you.

"Well damn, chick! Didn't expect you to solve our problems with a giant spider! Crazy!"

You nodded warilly. These people were certainly less there than the killers you usually dealt with.

The other skinny brother - who looked slightly like a fucked up Shaggy from Scooby Doo - slung his arm over his brothers shoulder and grinned.

"You seem pretty cool, lady!"

"Uhh... Sure..."

Uh oh. You were gonna need more car space, weren't you?

Well shit.

[Words: 568]

(A/N - Sorry for yet another short chapter. And I know this weird story piece came out of the blue a bit, but as I said, I'm just having fun with this story. It should pick up when we get out of Texas. I'll be uploading tomorrow - hopefully - but I won't be able to update Friday. Hopefully I'll have a longer chapter prepared for when I upload on Sunday.)

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