Chapter 38 - Everybody Loves Somebody Sometimes

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You were getting sick of running into murderers. Like, really sick of it.

Without another word, you jumped into the car and swung the door shut. Your only hope was that you could get out of this without making any new friends. Dear [deity] this was going to be stressful, wasn't it? You slammed your foot on the gas and peeled away from the little town on Ambrose. There was no chance you were sticking around.

Or at least, that was the plan. Of course, what wasn't part of the plan was driving along the road out of there - now at a normal and legal speed - and getting FUCKING T-BONED.

Yeah. You got into a fucking car wreck. Nice. Shame that seatbelts wouldn't be legally required for another six years, because you didn't fucking have any. Ah, the early 80's. Gotta love 'em.

Luckily, it wasn't a detrimental weck or anything. He was going slow enough that all it did was dent your car. And the other car was fine. The only issue was that at this point, after all the shit you'd dealt with, you were not going to sacrifice your gorgeous car.

So you asked Diamond to go out and talk to whoever it was so that you didn't deck them in the jaw. A nice solid punch into someone's head probably would've been free therapy, but it may have also gotten you thrown into jail.

"Sure thing, Gummy Bear. Wait here."

The other driver had already backed up his car a bit and jumped out. He was mostly just shouting to make sure everyone in the other car was alright, and was scribbling down his car insurance information on a piece of paper.

Though you couldn't hear anything outside the car, you were just sitting there trying to calm down. The other car, which contained your other friends, had pulled over on the side of the road, and your pals were getting out to check on you and make sure you weren't hurt.

Bill looked pissed off, Stu looked mostly worried, and Freddy... Well, Freddy. He was certainly worried, but he wasn't going to help. Lazy bitch.

"HEY ASSHOLE. THE HELL WAS THAT?" Bill was off shouting at the other driver.

"Hey, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I didn't see y'all coming!"

Now that you actually looked at the guy, he also looked rather familiar.


The wrecked ass clothes, the dirt, the weird hat... all of it. Yeah. Something bad was definitely happening.

"You know, my brother runs a little auto shop in Ambrose. I could show you where it is if you want."

"Ask her, she's the driver." Diamond pointed at you.

The not-quite-stranger walked up to the car. You sat with the door open sighing. The stress was enough to make you feel sick again, but you were doing your best to pull yourself together.

"There's an auto shop over in Ambrose. I can show you the way there if you'd like."

"I'm good, thanks. I can bang out a dent or two on my own. It's not a problem."

You were doing quite a good job of holding it together actually. Very nice.

"Is your car damaged at all?" you slowly stood up and got out of your car. He shook his head vehemently and walked towards his own vehicle. You followed, inspecting it carefully.

"No, it's good, Though, uh, even if it wasn't, it wouldn't matter much. Damn things near death these days."

Near death, huh? Ironic.

"I see. That's good. If you'll excuse me then, me and my friends have to be going. We're in a slight rush to get on the road."

"You got it. Though, uh, I should warn you. The next town is around four hours away. You might wanna find a place to camp out for the night."

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