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"Kevin? Kevin, can you hear me?"

Kevin turned around.

There he stood. The only person he wanted to see right now. Streber.

"Streber..." he instantly hugged his little fanged boyfriend, slightly lifting him up from the grouund. Streber hugged back, just as happy to see him.

"Hiya, Kev."

Kevin sniffed, wiping the tears from his eyes as he pulled away from the gesture. "I thought you were gonna die." he said.

Streber cringed a bit. "...unfortunately, that's what I'm here to warn you about."

Kevin frowned a bit. He gave him a look of confusion and hurt. "Wh...what?"

"I'm about to die, Kevin." Streber said. "You're never going to see me again."

Kevin's eyes widened in fear. "No....no, you're lying."

"I wish I wasn't." the fanged boy reached out to take the candyman's hands in his. "but I guess things like these happen, right?"

"No...that's unfair..." Kevin sobbed, his voice cracking as tears began to rapidly pour from his eyes.

Streber smiled sadly at him. "It may be unfair. But remember that I'm no longer in pain. I'm in a better place, Kevin."

"I can't live without you." Kevin cried. "please, Streber..."

Streber slowly cupped his face with his hands, staring deep into his gorgeous eyes. Kevin stared back, occasional hiccups and sobs coming from him.

"I love you, Kevin." Streber smiled. "Thank you for coming into my life. I knew we were soulmates since the day I met you."


Kevin sat up suddenly, taking a deep inhale as drops of cold sweat dripped from his forehead onto his bedsheets.

It was 8 o'clock in the morning. Kevin had a half an hour of sleep.

But sleep wasn't something for Kevin to care about right now. He jumped up, grabbing a set of clothes and quickly jumping into them.

He needed to see Streber. And he needed to see him now.

He bolted out of the house, down the street, down to the hospital. He ran up to the lady at the desk, frightening her as he pretty much slammed into it.

"Streber. I need to see Streber."

The woman straightened up her glasses, before tapping a few things on an iPad.

"I'm afraid that visiting times for that patient are not available at the mome-"

"Please, ma'am..." Kevin's voice cracked from how upset he was. "I need to see him. I'll do anything and everything just to see him. Please..." he pleaded.

𝓜𝓞𝓞𝓝𝓛𝓘𝓖𝓗𝓣 - {KevinXStreber}Where stories live. Discover now