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"What the fuck, Kevin."

The familiar voice almost made Kevin jump. It took a second or two for his vision to adjust.

"Oh my...Streber?" his heart swelled at the sight of his boyfriend.

"Do you realise what you've done??" Streber coughed, a look of genuine hurt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry," Kevin said, "I just...I wanted to be with you again."

"You didn't even stop to think for a second about the other people in your life??" Streber asked. "Rick? Radford? Your brother and mom?"

Kevin felt a sudden rush of guilt sear through him.


"I'm sorry, ma'am." John said, hat off, standing at Jaune's door. "But your son...he was found dead at the bottom of a cliff in the forest."


"We really are truly sorry..." Jack said, reaching out to place a hand on her shoulder. "Can we make you a cup of tea or anything?"

"He jumped, didn't he?" Jaune said calmly.

Jack and John went silent for a moment. "...that's what we suspect."

"My other son, Kevin's brother, got a message from Kevin at 3 in the morning last night saying that he was 'sorry'." Jaune told the two policemen, choking on her own words. "This is what he meant, isn't it?"

Jack and John looked at each other, both feeling sympathy for this poor woman. 

For John, there was a bit of empathy, too.

"I'll make you a cup of tea, miss Jaune." Jack offered, walking into her kitchen, his hand remaining on her shoulder. "Take a seat over there, it will be ready in a jiffy."

At the kitchen table, sat Ross, fiddling with his fingers with worry. He sat up when he saw the two police officers.

"Officers!! Did you find him?"

"He's dead, Ross." Jaune broke the news, sitting down beside her son, touching his hand to calm down his fidgeting. 


"Remember that text you got from him last night? He was apologising because he was going to kill himself." The woman stuffed her face into her palms, trying her very best to keep it all together.

"No..." Ross muttered. "no, Kevin would never kill himself, that's not true!!"

"We found his body this morning, son." Jack said softly, placing a cup of steaming hot tea in front of Jaune. "He wasn't alive."

Ross frowned, staring down at his fingers.

Kevin? Dead? But why?

𝓜𝓞𝓞𝓝𝓛𝓘𝓖𝓗𝓣 - {KevinXStreber}Where stories live. Discover now