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Tommy woke up slowly. Was it all a dream? Was he really saved by Technoblade?

A small meow brought Tommy out of his thoughts. He blinked his eyes open, sitting up. He was in a cabin in a snowy area. Technoblade was nowhere to be seen.

Wilbur jumped up onto Tommy's lap, meowing softly. Tommy smiled, petting the cat. Wilbur started purring and leaned into Tommy's hand.

"Hey Wilbur." Tommy said quietly, "are you feeling better?"

Wilbur let out a small mrrp. He curled up, pinning one of Tommy's hands under his head, and purred. Tommy smiled. The cat seemed to be doing well.

"Ah, you're up."

Tommy looked up to see Techno walk into the room, "um, hi."

Techno gave him a small nod, walking over to his workbench. Tommy watched as he plucked a leaf from a succulent plant. Techno scooped the clear inside of the plant into his mortar and pestle. He added honey and then mixed it. Next he spread in on some strips of cloth, letting it sit. Then Techno looked through some bottles on a shelf, grabbing two and pouring some of the contents into a cup.

"Alright, let he see your hands." Techno said, grabbing the cup and a cloth.

"I can't." Tommy said.

"Why not?" Techno asked slowly.

Tommy nodded to Wilbur, "cats on me. I can't move or I'll wake him."

Techno nodded, setting down the cup and cloth, "understandable."

Techno then picked up the cat. Wilbur let out a meow of protest, gently swatting at Techno. The blood witch set the cat back on the makeshift cat bed.

Tommy looked down at his hands. Small burns were scattered up his arms from when he climbed down the pyre. He didn't notice it at first, but now they were starting to sting. Techno gently took one of Tommy's arms, starting to clean the burns with the mixture from earlier. It smelled flowery.

"What is that stuff?" Tommy asked.

"Lavender and witch hazel water." Techno told him, "it's to clean the burns and help them heal."

"Oh." Tommy said.

"Just be sure Wilbur doesn't get into it, lavender is toxic to cats." Techno said.

Tommy glanced at the cat, dozing by the fireplace, "oh..."

Techno went back to his desk, grabbing the cloths. He returned to Tommy, starting to wrap his burns.

"It's cold." Tommy whined.

"Mhm." Techno hummed, "it's aloe and honey. It'll help the burns heal faster with less pain."

"Does it really work?" Tommy lifted his hand to take a closer look at the bandages.

"Yeah." Techno said, standing up, "I'll change them in a few hours."

Tommy nodded, "how did you learn all this stuff? And how did you know we're brothers? How did you find me? H-"

"Slow down." Techno held his hands up, "one question at a time."

Tommy sighed, sitting back. He started fiddling with his fingers. There were so many questions that he wanted to ask. So many things he didn't understand.

"If you're my brother... Why did you leave me?" Tommy asked quietly.

Techno sighed, sitting down in a chair, "it's a long story."

Tommy shrugged, "we have time."

Techno smiled softly, huffing out a laugh, "yeah, I guess we do."

Techno clutched the bundle in his arms tightly. His parents were gone, his village had run him out. All because he lost control. He knew his parents told him to keep his magic under control. He knew the consequences.

The bundle in Techno's arms started crying. Techno quickly hushed him.

"It's okay Tommy, it's okay." Techno told the child, "we-we'll be okay..."

"Techie..." Tommy sniffed, rubbing his eyes.

But Techno knew he couldn't care for his little brother. He was eight, Tommy was three. And they were both witches. No one would take them in, not after what happened.


Techno jumped, looking over to a small child smiling at him. The child had brown hair and was wearing an oversized green shirt.

The boy frowned, "you look sad."

"Who are you?" Techno asked, holding his brother away.

The boy smiled again, holding out his hand, "I'm Tubbo! I live in L'manburg Village!"

"L'manburg Village?" Techno tilted his head.

"Yeah it's really small, no one comes there." Tubbo sighed.

"Could we live there?" Techno asked.

Tubbo nodded, "you can live with me! I live all alone!"

"All alone?" Techno whispered.

"Yeah! But the village never lets me go hungry." Tubbo rocked back on his heels.

"Can you show us?" Techno asked.

"Yeah!" Tubbo ran off through the forest around them.

Techno followed. He didn't know anything about this village. Maybe that was a good thing. He looked at his brother, now sleeping in his arms. Tommy wouldn't be safe with him around. Everyone knew about Techno.

"Hey Tubbo?" Techno said as they walked up to a small house.

"Yeah?" Tubbo turned in the doorway.

"Can you take care of Tommy?" Techno asked, "I... Need to do something and I can't take him."

Tubbo smiled, nodding excitedly, "yeah! I'm four so I can do it!"

"Good." Techno set Tommy down, waking up the boy.

"Techie..?" Tommy yawned.

"I'll be back soon. Stay here, okay?" Techno told him.

Tommy nodded, "okay..."

"You can play with me!" Tubbo squeaked, holding out his hand.

Tommy laughed, "okay!"

Techno watched as Tubbo lead Tommy into the house. He forced himself to turn away. Tommy would be safe there, away from him.

A crow swooped down, cawing at Techno. The boy held his arm out, letting the bird perch there. The crow cawed at him again and flew off. Techno followed the bird. He didn't look back.

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