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Tubbo stared up at the stars. He and Tommy had been sixteen when Technoblade stole Tommy. Now they were both eighteen, Tommy's birthday having been a few days ago. Two long years since they had seen each other. To long years with the hunters.

"Can't sleep?" Dream asked, sitting next to Tubbo.

Tubbo sighed, "no, not really."

"What's on your mind?" Dream layed back.

"It's been two years since I saw Tommy last." Tubbo said, "I can't help but wonder why he hasn't escaped..."

"Well there's two options," Dream told him, "either he can't leave, or he doesn't want to."

"Techno has to be keeping him." Tubbo sat up, "why would he willingly stay?"

"Well you can ask Techno once we break into the Arctic." Dream smiled.

Tubbo gave a soft smile, "yeah. We finally have the gem charged."

"Yeah." Dream laughed, "who knew we needed the souls of witches to activate it. How convenient for Quackity to leave that bit out."

Tubbo nodded, "why do we just leave Quackity alone? He's a witch."

"He runs Las Nevadas. It's a hotspot for Intel." Dream told him, "He knows everything that goes on in the witch world. Quackity's a valuable asset to us, and we have a long history."

Patches walked up, laying across Dream's chest. He smiled softly, petting the cat behind her ears.

"Yeah, his partner getting cursed and all that." Tubbo sighed.

"Yep." Dream stretched out, "some other witch cursed Karl, so Quackity came to us with a price on that witches head. We made a deal and delt with the witch. Information for their lives."

"Pretty grim deal." Tubbo laughed lightly.

"Yeah, but Big Q is chill with it." Dream said, "like I said, we have a long history."

Tubbo hummed and nodded. He layed back onto his sleeping roll. Tomorrow they would be at the Arctic again, for the first time in two years. Tomorrow, he would get Tommy back.

It was snowing lightly be the time the witch hunters rode up to the border. Tubbo remembered the first time he had seen the glowing red wall. The pulsing red light, scattering across the snow in a warning to stay away.

Dream pulled out a glowing red stone.

"Are you sure that's going to work this time?" Sapnap asked.

"Positive." Dream nodded.

The witch hunter raised the stone. The barrier pulsed. Cracks started appearing in the surface of the barrier and the gem. The fissures grew up the wall of light, a creaking sound echoed through the snowy air.

With a loud crash, the barrier and the gem shattered.

"It worked..." George whispered, "the Arctic Empire is defenseless..."

"Let's go!" Sapnap yelled, drawing his sword.

Dream nodded, drawing his own weapon, "let's go!"

Before they even got their horses to move, flames appeared in front of them. The horses spooked, whinnying as they reared away from the fire. A bitch black crow cawed as he swooped down, landing on the shoulder of a figure rising from the flames.

"What are you doing here." Technoblade asked.

"We've come to take you down!" Sapnap yelled, readying his sword.

Techno sighed, "you should leave. Now before I kill you."

"We're not leaving without Tommy!" Tubbo shouted.

Techno looked up at the young man. His red eyes were bright with magic as he started at Tubbo.

"Tommy's dead." Techno spoke after a moment, "killed two years ago by witch hunters like you."

Tubbo felt the world tilt. Tommy was dead. The last two years were for nothing.

"You're lying..." Tubbo shook his head, "you're lying!"

"Tubbo." Dream said, "stay calm."

"No!" Tubbo shouted, "Tommy has to be alive!"

Before Dream could say another word, Tubbo kicked his horse into a gallop. He past Techno, not giving him a second glance. Techno made no move to stop him.

In the distance, he saw two cabins. Tubbo smiled. Two, that must mean Tommy is still alive.

Tubbo jumped off his horse, running towards the cabin door, "Tommy!"

Tubbo threw open the door. The cabin was empty. Tubbo shook his head, turning to the other cabin.

"Tommy!?" Tubbo yelled at he opened the door.

A young man with black mist over half his face looked up quickly. The two stared at each other for a moment. The other was tall, clearly a witch, with a rabbit at his feet.

"Um..." The taller started.

"Where is Tommy!?" Tubbo shouted, pulling out his axe.

The taller flinched back, "h-hold on-"

The black mist flared and the taller doubled over with a cry. Tubbo started back.

"Are you okay?" Tubbo asked.

"Fine." The taller said, standing up straight, "I-I don't know where Tommy is..."

"Damnit!" Tubbo threw down his axe, "after all this time I thought I could..."

"So, you're not a witch hunter?" That taller asked.

"I-I guess not..." Tubbo sighed, "at least not anymore."

"That's... Comforting..." That taller picking up the rabbit, "I'm Ranboo, by the way."

"Tubbo." The young man told him.

"What-what are you doing here?" Ranboo asked.

"I was looking for my friend, but he's..." Tubbo shook his head, "no, Techno had to be lying, he can't be dead."

"Oh... I'm so sorry." Ranboo said.

"Wait, you're a witch right?" Tubbo lifted his head.

Ranboo shrugged, "uh, yes?"

Tubbo smiled, "then you're going to help me find Tommy."

"What!?" Ranboo yelped as Tubbo started to drag him out, "no, Techno will kill me! Or a witch hunter will! I-it's too dangerous!"

"You'll be fine!" Tubbo told him, "you're going to help me find my friend!"

"I really don't like this..." Ranboo mumbled.

"Well you don't have a choice." Tubbo said, leveling his axe to Ranboo's neck.

Techno grumbled as he reset the barrier. The witch hunters were gone, and the boy was probably gone now that he'd seen Tommy wasn't there. Then he'd have to check on Ranboo. The barrier had never gone down before, but the flare ups had gotten less intense over the years.

There was a whoosh next to the blood witch.

"Fuck! How do you teleport all over the place!?"

Techno turned to see a blonde boy stumbling twords him in the snow.

Techno smiled, "Welcome home Tommy."

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