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Tommy sprinted back to the cabins, leaving Techno and Tubbo behind him. Tubbo... Why was he with the witch hunters? Was he one of them? Did his best friend turn on him?

Tommy tripped, falling heavily into the snow. Wilbur let out a yelp as he fell from Tommy's shoulder. The cat meowed softly, not moving.

"Wil!" Tommy scooped up the brown cat, "I'm sorry Wilbur, are you okay?"

Wilbur let out a small mrrp, pushing his head under Tommy's chin.

"I'm sorry..." Tommy sighed, "I'll get Techno to make you that catnip stuff again."

Wilbur's ears flicked up as he meowed again. Tommy smiled softly, then frowned.

"Tubbo was there..." Tommy whispered, "why was he... Was he trying to find me? Why would he team up with witch hunters- I don't understand!"

Wilbur meowed, purring against Tommy's cheek.

"I know you don't know." Tommy sighed, "I just wish I did..."

Wilbur just curled up in Tommy's arms. The boy slowly got to his feet. They still had a ways to get to the cabin. The cold really sunk into Tommy's bones now, and his soaked pants really didn't help. The Arctic Empire was much different than L'manburg, it was going to take a while to get adjusted to the cold after the warmth of his old village.

Tommy saw spots of brown hopping towards him. Aimsey skid to a halt at Tommy's feet. She put their feet up on Tommy's leg, then turned around and started running back to the cabins.

Tommy's eyes went wide, "Ranboo..."

The boy started sprinting toward the cabins, following the bunny. When he got there, he was met with a horrifying sight.

Ranboo's entire cabin was filled with the black mist.

"Ranboo!" Tommy yelled, throwing open the door.

The black mist shot out, burning Tommy's arms. It stung like a thousand needles. The boy fell back as the mist flooded out of the door. He scrambled back, the snow doing nothing to calm the burning pain. Tommy looked at his arms to see angry red burns. How did Ranboo deal with this all the time?

Tommy pushed himself up again, "Ranboo!? Ranboo what's going on!?"

"Tommy!" Techno ran up, "what happened!?"

Tommy shook his head, "I-I don't know! I just got here and-!"

"Go inside Tommy." Techno said, "don't come out until I get you. Keep Aimsey and Wilbur in there too."

Tommy nodded, picking up the cat. He rushed inside Techno's cabin. Aimsey followed him closely. He closed the door behind him, trying to get his thoughts in order. So much happened so fast. Tubbo, the witch hunters, Ranboo...

Wilbur meowed, putting his paws on Tommy's cheek.

Tommy took a deep breath. Worrying wouldn't do anything. Techno got rid of the hunters, and Ranboo would be fine. Tommy slid down to the ground. Everything would be fine.

Aimsey nudged Tommy's hand. The rabbit familiar jumped up on Tommy's hand. He pet their soft ears. If something happened to Ranboo, then what would Aimsey do? Techno wouldn't let that happen.

The door opened. Tommy looked up to see a tired looking Techno. The blood witch hung up his cloak without a word, walking over to his desk to begin mixing herbs.

"How-hows Ranboo?" Tommy asked quietly.

"He's alive." Techno said, "the corrupted magic has settled now. He'll be bed ridden for a while."

Tommy nodded, getting to his feet, "how does he deal with that stuff? It fucking hurts."

"I'm not sure either." Techno told him, starting to bandage the burns on Tommy's arms.

"And the hunters?" Tommy asked.

"Gone." Techno turned back to his desk, "they won't be coming back for a while."

Tommy breathed out a sigh, "good... But... Why was Tubbo there?"

"Tubbo?" Techno asked, "that's your friend, right? I saw him in L'manburg. He had Wilbur."

Tommy nodded, "yeah, he loves cats. Don't know why though, dogs are better."

Wilbur hissed and swatted at the boy.

"Hey! You're an exception!" Tommy yelled to the cat.

Wilbur jumped out of Tommy's arms, going to sulk by the fireplace.

"I think you offended him." Techno chuckled.

"Well he can get over it!" Tommy huffed.

Wilbur hissed again, flicking his tail.

Techno laughed, "well, in light of the more frequent hunter sightings, I think it's time we start your magic training."

"Really!?" Tommy gasped.

Techno nodded, "really."

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