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T.W.: fire, broken bone

Tubbo woke abruptly from a nightmare. He had been chasing Tommy through fire and smoke. His blonde friend had been screaming. Just screaming, and screaming, Tubbo couldn't get the sound out of his head.

Wait, someone was actually screaming. Tubbo looked around to see Ranboo writhing on his bed. The black mist was flaring, almost to the ceiling. The tall witch was the one screaming. A sound of pure pain as he clawed at the black mist.

"Ranboo!" Tubbo jumped up, rushing to his side, "what's going on!?"

"Its- AH! It's n-nothing!" Ranboo got out.

"Ranboo, you're in pain!" Tubbo shouted, digging through his bag for something, anything, that could help.

"I'll be- Fine!" Ranboo huffed, "give- give me a minute."

Tubbo shook his head, "no! I'm getting help!"

"No-ACK!" Ranboo tried sitting up, only to fall back heavily as the mist flared again.

"I'll be back soon!" Tubbo told him, running out the door.

He didn't know where he was going, or what he needed to find, but there had to be something. Maybe he could ask Big Q, or find another witch who knew something.

But luck didn't seem to be on his side.

Tubbo slowed to a stop as a large pyre stood in the middle of the town square. Tied up on the pile of wood, was a beaten and bloody blonde figure. He seemed to be just on the edge of consciousness.

A small meow at Tubbo's feet drew his attention. He looked down to see Wilbur collapse on the ground. Tubbo picked up the cat. There were large gashes and chunks of fur missing. What the hell happened to him?

"Attention citizens of Las Nevadas!"

Tubbo looked up in horror to see Dream standing at the pyre. His white helmet glinted in the sun as he raised his hand over the crowd.

"We found another witch!" Dream called out, "The brother to the Blood Witch no less! For years he and his brother have evaded us! But today! Today is the end for the Blood Witch and Theseus! After we burn this witch, we attack Technoblade!"

The crowd cheered. Tubbo could only watch in shocked silence as a torch was thrown into the pyre. Flames sprung up, smoke started clouding the sky. At was almost exactly like the first time.

Tommy started coughing and choking on the smoke, the oxygen around him being eaten by the fire. His eyes stung and his lungs burned. He looked out at the sea of people, finding one face among the crowd.

"Tubbo!" Tommy shouted, his throat burning.

The brunette took a small step forward, "T-Tommy?"

Before Tubbo could take another step, the sky darkened. Thunder echoed through the streets. A figure rose from the flames, his eyes glowing red as a crow, dark as night, landed on his shoulder.

"Stay away from my brother." The Blood Witch growled.

The crowd screamed, running wildly down the streets. Tubbo held Wilbur tightly, not letting them be dragged away by the crowd. Not again.

"Tommy!" Tubbo called, making his way to the pyre, "Tommy I'm not leaving you again!"

But by the time Tubbo looked up, they were gone. Tubbos breaths came in quick gasps. No, he couldn't lose his best friend again.

"Tubbo!" Sapnap ran up and grabbed the boys shoulders, "You have to get out of here!"

"W-what!? Why!?" Tubbo asked.

"Dream is looking for you." Sapnap told him, "get the cat to Quackity and Ranboo, they'll take him back. You need to hide!"

Tubbo nodded quickly. He ran back to the inn. Wilbur meowed softly, looking up a Tubbo.

"It's okay Will." Tubbo whispered to the cat, "you'll be okay."

The witch hunter ran into the room. Ranboo jumped in surprise. The mist seemed to have settled.

"Tubbo, what-whats going on?" Ranboo asked, "is that Wilbur!?"

Tubbo shook his head, putting the cat in Ranboo's arms, "there's no time to explain! Get back to the Arctic! I'll meet you there!"

"But what about you!?" Ranboo asked.

Tubbo gave him a small smile, "I told you to leave me out of your magic shit. I'll be fine, just go!"

Ranboo hesitated, but nodded. He held the cat tightly as purple particals swarmed through the air. In a matter of seconds, he was gone.

The door burst open. Tubbo turned sharply to find a very angry Dream.

"Where are the witches?" He asked.

"They're gone!" Tubbo shouted, "you promised me you wouldn't hurt Tommy!"

"I promised a lot of things to a lot of people." Dream said, snatching Tubbo's wrist in a tight grip. He glanced at the tracking ring, still on Tubbo's hand, and smiled, "well, if it isn't my lucky day. Take it off."

Tubbo shook his head, "never. I won't let you hurt them."

Dreams grip tightened, "take it off, or I'll do it for you."

"No!" Tubbo shouted, trying to get out of his grip.

"Fine." Dream sighed, "I was going to kill you anyway."

Tubbo screamed. The pain was blinding as Dream snapped his finger back. He blacked out before Dream did anything else.

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