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Tubbo breathed heavily as he sailed back to the Arctic. His hand ached from when Dream ripped his finger off. The brunette grimaced at the memory. He had been woken up by Sapnap, Quackity, and Karl. Apparently Sapnap had been engaged to them for a while, becoming a spy within the witch hunters. They had told him Dream went to the Arctic. So that's where he was heading.

A soft meow brought his attention. Tubbo turned to the brown cat sitting by him. The cat had a white streak on his head, but Tubbo could tell it was Wilbur. What other cat would jump up on his shoulder and lead him towards the Arctic?

"It's okay Wil." Tubbo smiled, "we're almost there."

The cat jumped down, rubbing against Tubbo's leg as he purred. Tubbo reached down to pet the cat. He looked up to gaze at the breaking dawn, casting golden morning light over the earth.

The boat rocked up onto the shore. Wilbur leapt up onto Tubbo's shoulder as they jumped out. It was warm now, but soon the snow would surround them, turning the air icy.

So without another moments hesitation, Tubbo and Wilbur ventured into the forest.

Ranboo fiddled with the ring around his finger. He and Techno had tried everything to get it off, but the magic bond was too strong.

On the bright side, Tommy was recovering well. Most of his injuries were healed, or nearly healed. Though he mostly kept to himself, still wondering when Wilbur was going to show up again.

It had been two days since Wilbur lost his life. Two days since Dream died. It had been a very quiet two days. No witch hunters or mercenaries. Just the quiet hum of the forest.

"Hey." Techno walked into Ranboo's cabin, "how are you holding up?"

The taller witch shrugged, "I'm fine. I just hope Tubbo's okay..."

Techno hummed and nodded, "well, I want you and Tommy to walk the border with me today."

"Why?" Ranboo asked, "did something happen?"

Techno shook his head, "nah. It's just a nice day."

"Oh-okay." Ranboo nodded as Techno turned.

The blood witch paused in the doorway, "oh yeah. I thought you might want this."

Techno tossed a small glimmer of metal to Ranboo. The taller caught it. It was the other tracker ring. Ranboo closed his fist around it.

"Thank you." He whispered.

Techno hummed, "be at the border in a few minutes. Tommy and I will be waiting."

Tommy looked up as Techno walked out of Ranboo's cabin. He pulled his cloak tighter around him. It was still odd to not have Wilbur at his feet, or on his shoulder.

"Come on Tommy, Ranboo's gonna catch up with us." Techno told the blonde.

Tommy nodded, falling in step behind his brother, "okay."

It was quiet as they walked through the forest. The trees keeping the peace and stillness of the near perfect morning. Snow crunched under their feet, breaking the symphony of silence. Soon, a bright wall of red light rose in front of them.

"So, why are we here?" Tommy asked.

"You'll see." Techno smiled softly, gazing up at the crow circling the air, "Ranboo better hurry though."

Phil swooped down, settling on Techno's shoulder. He gave a small caw to the blood witch. Techno hummed in acknowledgement. Ranboo walked up behind them.

"I'm here." The tall witch said, "what did you want us here for?"

Techno nodded past the barrier. The two teens watched for a moment. A figure appeared in the trees. They walked closer, coming to a stop in front of the red light. Tommy's eyes filled with tears.

"TUBBO!" Tommy yelled.

He jumped through the border, tackling the shorter into a hug.

Tubbo laughed, hugging him back just as tight, "I missed you too Tommy!"

The was a small meow, and a paw was tapped against Tommy's cheek. The blonde let go of Tubbo, scooping up the cat.

"Wil!" Tommy gasped, "how did you-!? Where were-!?"

"I found him in Las Nevadas." Tubbo said.

Ranboo knelt by the two, "Tubbo... Oh my god, your finger..."

The shorter shrugged, rubbing his hand, "yeah, Dream kinda... I-it's okay! It doesn't really hurt all too much anymore. What's more important is that you're both alive! Sapnap told me Dream attacked!"

"Dream is dead." Tommy said, holding Wilbur tightly.

"He used the tracking ring to find us," Ranboo sighed, "I lead him straight here..."

Tubbo shook his head, "it wasn't your fault bossman. I told you to go."

"Still..." Ranboo looked away.

Tubbo grabbed his hand gently, taking the tracking ring off, "there. Now it's my fault for not taking it off sooner."

Ranboo couldn't help but laugh at that, "I'm not sure that's how it works."

"Who cares how it works!" Tommy huffed, "Tubbo's here! And we're all safe! Come on Tubbo, I have so much to tell you!"

Tommy pulled his friend to his feet, rambling on about magic and adventures. Techno stepped forward, interrupting the blonde.

"It's cold out here." Techno commented, "if you want, we can go back to the cabins?"

Tubbo looked up at the blood witch, "is that possible? Last time I tried to cross the barrier I kinda suffocated."

"Tubbo, you are welcome in the Arctic Empire any time." Techno told him.

"Stay with us Tubbo!" Tommy begged, "Stay and you can learn some witchcraft! We can all stay together and we'll never have to be alone again!"

Ranboo nodded, "yeah! Even if you can't do magic, we always need an extra hand. And it'll be nice to have someone more normal than these two for a change."

"Hey!" Tommy pushed the taller witch, "you're the wierdest one out of all of us, memory boy!"

Tubbo laughed, "okay okay! I'll stay."

"Really!?" Tommy looked at his friend with a wide smile.

"Really." Tubbo nodded.

Tommy cheered. The small group of witches and one human walked through the red light. A new dawn rose high in the sky. The break of a new era, where humans and witches were finally at peace. Even if it was just in one small patch of land, with two snow covered cabins, far into the snow and ice. Finally, there was peace.

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