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Tubbo didn't know what was going on. Tommy being a witch!? That's as insane! But George and Sapnap we're dragging him through the angry crowd. Tubbo was frozen in place as his friend was dragged away. He watched as someone from the crowd threw Wilbur back. The cat landed hard at his feet.

Tubbo shakily picked up Wilbur. He wasn't moving. Tubbo felt his breath hitch.

"W-wilbur?" Tubbo gently shook the cat, "Wil?"

The whoosh of fire brought Tubbo's attention back up to the stage. His eyes widened as he saw Tommy tied to a lit pyre. The fire quickly grew, licking at Tommy's feet. Tubbo hugged the cat a little tighter as he watched Tommy choke on the smoke.

Then a figure rose from the fire. Long pink hair and a red cloak. His eyes fixed on Tubbo. The boy felt his blood freeze.


The pinkette started walking towards Tubbo. The crowd around them screamed and scattered, but Tubbo couldn't move.

"The cat." Techno held out his hand.

Tubbo shook his head, backing away, "n-no..."

"I'm not going to hurt him." Techno said, "he needs help. Just give the cat to me."

Tubbo didn't make any move to protest as Techno took the cat from his arms. The blood witch wrapped Wilbur in his cloak and started walking away.

Tubbo fell back, breathing heavily. He just survived talking to Technoblade! And he took Wilbur! What the fuck was happening!?

"Hey kid, are you okay?"

Tubbo looked up to see Sapnap kneeling in front of him.

"Y-yeah..." Tubbo said, his voice shaking, "what-what happened?"

Sapnap sighed, "alright kid, you were with the witch right?"

"Tommy?" Tubbo asked, "he- he's not a witch... I've known him my whole life, I-I-..."

"Hey, listen," Sapnap said, "wether he was a witch or not, we have bigger issues. Technoblade showed up and has the kid witch."

Tubbo's eyes went wide, "Technoblade has Tommy!?"

"Don't freak out-" Sapnap raised his hands.

"The fucking blood witch has my best friend, how the fuck do you expect me not to freak out!?" Tubbo yelled.

"We'll find him, don't worry-" Sapnap started again.

"You tried to kill him!" Tubbo shouted, getting to his feet, "I'll- I'll find him myself and then prove that he's not a witch!"

"You won't survive very long if you try."

Tubbo looked up to see Dream walking over towards him. His white helmet was smudged with ash. George followed behind him, his cape slightly singed.

"What-what do you mean?" Tubbo asked.

Dream sighed, "you're trying to find Technoblade. There's a reason he earned his name blood witch."

"So Tommy..." Tubbo shook his head.

"Your friend probably isn't dead." Dream told the boy, "but if you want to find him, you'll need us."

Tubbo nodded, "I want to find Tommy."

Dream nodded, "alright. You'll start your training tomorrow."

"Training?" Tubbo asked.

"Yeah?" Sapnap shrugged, giving the boy a smile, "if you want to find witches, you have to become a witch hunter."

"Oh..." Tubbo smiled, bouncing on his toes, "oh! Oh my gods! I'm getting trained to be a witch hunter by the Dream Team!"

"Don't get too excited." George shook his head softly.

Tubbo nodded, following the Dream Team through the town, "So what's the first thing I'm going to do!? Sword fighting!? Magic defense!?"

"Slow down." Sapnap laughed, "first you have to... Clean the pyre!"

"No." George stopped Tubbo as he ran to the smoldering wood, "let it burn out. You're not going to be doing anything until you learn the basics."

Tubbo nodded, "okay, what are the basics?"

"I'll drop off a book for you tomorrow." Dream told him.

Tubbo groaned, "there's reading!?"

"Yes, there's reading." Dream laughed lightly, "you should go home and get some rest."

Tubbo nodded. He didn't realize it, but they had come to a small house. Then a door was slammed in his face. Tubbo stumbled back slightly. He took a deep breath, turning on his heel and marching off to his and Tommy's house.

It was a small house, built just for the two youngest of the town. They had spent their entire lives there. Tubbo hesitated for a moment at the door. It would be so quiet without Tommy and Wilbur there.

Tubbo pushed the door open. It seemed empty. The boy shook it off. He'd find Tommy soon. He had to.

"Are you actually going to train the kid?" Sapnap asked.

Dream shrugged, "yeah, we'll need him on our side if we're going to find the witches. If we don't, he'll try and protect the kid witch. It'll make out job difficult."

"So we're tricking the kid?" Sapnap sighed.

"No, we'll actually train him." Dream said, "train him to look for witches, he finds out his friend is actually a witch, and then he distracts the kid and blood witch while we burn them."

"That's like using him as cannon fodder." Sapnap frowned.

George scoffed, "it's not like we haven't don't this before."

"I know!" Sapnap sighed, leaning back in his chair, "but this is the blood witch, and the kid seemed really excited!"

"Who knows," George smirked, "maybe once he sees there truth about witch hunting he won't want to do it anymore."

"That didn't stop you." Dream said.

George glared at Dream, "you know why I became a witch hunter."

"But I don't!" Sapnap jumped up with a smile, "come on Gogy! Tell me your backstory!"

"No!" George leaned away from his friend.

"Come on!" Sapnap groaned, "I've been asking for years!"

"And I've said no for years." George crossed his arms.

"Okay, okay, calm down." Dream laughed lightly, "we need to figure out where the witches went. Then we can move out."

Dream stared out the window at the night sky. He had to find Technoblade. Even if it killed him.

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