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"This, really isn't a good idea-" Ranboo started as he followed the shorter witch hunter through the forest.

"Listen! I don't care if it's a good idea or not, I'm finding Tommy!" Tubbo told him, "you are going to help me!"

"For the last time, I don't know where Tommy is!" Ranboo sighed.

"But you know him!" Tubbo shot back.

"Yes! I know him! Techno brought him to the Arctic two years ago, and then there was an issue with some witch hunters and-"

"And Tommy got killed, yes I know." Tubbo huffed, "That's what Techno said too. But I know Tommy's not dead!"

Ranboo grit his teeth, "for the love of- would you just listen to me!?"

"I have been!" Tubbo shouted, "and all you've been saying is the same lies Techno told me!"

Ranboo sighed, hanging his head, "why do I even try..."

Aimsey hopped up, putting her paws on Ranboo's leg. The taller smiled, reaching down to pick up the bunny.

"Hey Aimsey, I thought I left you behind." Ranboo laughed lightly.

The rabbit flicked their ears.

Tubbo watched them closely, "who's Aimsey?"

"My familiar!" Ranboo smiled, holding out the bunny, "she's been with me for as long as I can remember."

"I thought only cats and crows were familiars?" Tubbo tilted his head.

Ranboo laughed, "oh that's funny!"

"No, actually." Tubbo said, "can any animal be a familiar?"

"Uh, yeah." Ranboo shrugged, "cats and crows are most common, but I know of a witch who's familiar is a duck."

"Yeah, Quackity right?" Tubbo asked.

Ranboo nodded, "yeah. He and Techno don't really get along, so I've never met him. Apparently he tried to kill Techno once."

Tubbo remembered. The Dream Team told him they had supplied Quackity with the materials to do so. But ultimately, Quackity failed.

Tubbo tensed, "yeah... Anyway, it's getting late, we should probably set up camp."

"Oh! Uh, okay." Ranboo set down Aimsey.

Tubbo started taking out his sleeping roll. There was a whoosh next to him, and when he looked over an elaborate tent had been set up.

"What the fuck!?" Tubbo shouted, stumbling back.

Ranboo looked at him, "you said to set up camp, so I set up a tent for us."

"There is no way in hell I'm sleeping in a fucking magic tent!" Tubbo shouted, "I'm perfectly fine outside!"

"Are you sure?" Ranboo asked, fidgeting with his fingers, "we're still pretty close to the Arctic, it can get cold at night."

"I'll be fine. But one more thing." Tubbo took out a gold ring, "put this on."

"What?" Ranboo asked, looking between him and the ring.

Tubbo sighed, "its a tracker. It's paired with another ring that allows me to know where you are. So you don't run away."

Ranboo took a step back, "I'm not sure I like that..."

"Oh for fucks sake, get over here!" Tubbo grabbed Ranboo's arm, pulling him over.

"H-hey! Stop!" Ranboo yelped as Tubbo put the ring on.

"Don't try to take it off." Tubbo said as Ranboo clawed at the ring, "only the person who puts it on can take it off."

"What the hell!?" Ranboo screamed.

"I don't want you running off gods know where doing your weird magic shit!" Tubbo huffed, "now go to sleep, we're leaving early tomorrow."

Tubbo pushed Ranboo into his tent, then curled up on his bedroll. This is how he'd spent every night for the past two years, save for the occasion tavern or inn. It was comfortable for him now. He found it hard to sleep without looking at the stars.

He heard Ranboo rustling around in the tent and scoffed lightly. Stupid witch with his stupid tent and his stupid familiar. Just one more obstacle between him and his best friend.

The young man sighed, closing his eyes. Techno had to be lying about Tommy. He'd find him soon.

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