B R I A N.

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Jon's POV.
I sat there on the couch just staring into space.

I didn't mean to hurt April. I never mean to hurt her. Dean just comes out and takes control.

But, the good part is Mox hasn't came out yet and I hope he doesn't for a while.

Because, I'd hate to force her to have sex with me. I already know she'll never want to but once Mox is out there's no stopping him.

I stood up from the couch and began walking up the stairs.

"April?" I walked in her room.

There she was. Curled up into a ball sobbing quietly.

"You hungry?" I asked her. She didn't reply. I sighed and sat down next to her.

"April, I'm so sorry for hurting you love. I never mean to. I just can't control it." I said rubbing her back.

She sat up as tears still ran down her face.

We stared at each other.

"Jon, please don't do it again?" She asked. I looked away from her and sighed.

"Okay." I shrugged.

She faintly smiled. "My leg still hurts." She mumbled.

I looked down at her leg. "Oh yeah. Um, about that, I'm sorry. I just didn't wanna lose you." I said. "Oh and, I'll go to the store real quick and buy you some bandages." I told her.

She nodded.

I got up to walk out. "Oh April?" "Hm?" "You can't leave baby girl. I'm taking the key." I smirked. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Okay." She nodded. "Good." I walked out. Off to the store I go.

April's POV.
I heard the door slam close and that's when I tried to get out of the bed.

I know, I know. He took the key so I can't go but I'm gonna find some way out of here.

I winced every time I took a step. He cut me deeply. I have this huge nasty looking cut on the back of my leg.

You guys, it hurts so much!

I looked around.

I saw this door and it was closed. "Hmm," I mumbled limping closer to it.

I took a deep breath before twisting on the knob.

The door slowly opened.

I gasped as I stepped in.

"Omg, is he serious?" I asked myself. Everywhere, all over the walls, on the floor, just everywhere were pictures of me. From when I was a little girl til now.

"Oh my gosh." I blinked back my tears. There was a picture of my 8 month old baby boy Aiden.

He had mysteriously disappeared one morning.

Man, I miss him so much.

I shook my head. "This man is sick! He's sick!" I shouted.

I started to walk out when i heard something vibrate. I turned back around.

"His phone!" I exclaimed. I quickly tried to rush over to it.

I picked it up. "Brian!" I exclaimed. Brian is my ex boyfriend and the father of Aiden. We broke up after he was born.

I began dialing his number.

"Come on, come on! Please pick up!" I mumbled.

"Uh, hello?" He answered.

"Brian! Hi--"  "um, whose this?" He asked. "Brian, its April. Listen, this crazy man kidnapped me! He's been torturing me, beating me, and he even stabbed me. Please Brian you gotta come help me! I need to get out of here before he ends up killing me!" I shouted into the phone.

"Oh, I'll help you." Someone chuckled. Then, I blacked out.

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