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So, I bet some of y'all are pissed with me and I understand why. I left for months & haven't been updating any of my stories..who does that? Lol. I really don't even have an excuse because tbh, I haven't been doing anything. Soooo sorry for being a lazy bitch & not updating my shii. That won't ever happen again. I'm gonna be here & continue with my stories okay? Okay. Now, let's get to the story.

April's POV.
I began throwing my clothes and the rest of my belongings into my bag. I am beyond excited! I finally get to leave this place & be free!

I won't be getting beat anymore, won't be getting called horrible names like hoe and etc, and I'll finally be with my family again.

I looked up as Jon walked into the room. He looked around before looking at me and then handing me his phone.


"Here. Call someone to pick you up." He said as I took the phone out of his hands. I began dialing my sisters number until something popped into my head.



"Is...Brian really dead?" I asked looking at him. He sighed. "Yeah." I felt my eyes starting to water.

"Okay." I whispered and put the phone to my ear.


Jon's POV.
I listened as April talked to whoever was on the phone. I didn't want to let her go but I had to plus, she seems really happy that she's leaving.

I bet she won't even miss me.

"April," "Yes?"

"Before you go, I just wanted to let you know that I am going to miss you & that Im really sorry for all of this but I don't regret doing any of it because then, I would've never met you. I love you April."

"Oh wow." She replied with a shocked look. My phone vibrated and she looked down at it.

"Jon, my sisters outside." She told me.

"Okay, I'll help you with your bags." "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not?" I looked over at her. She sighed. "Never mind. Come on."

April's POV
I smiled as soon as I saw Erica. I limped over to her and hugged her tight.

"You don't even know how much we've all missed you." Her tears wet my shirt. "I've missed you guys too." We pulled away from the hug.

Her smile immediately faded when she looked at my body.

"April, ... those bruises.. how?" "Erica-" she then looked behind me and saw Jon standing there.

"You! You did this to my sister!" She ran to him but I grabbed her arm.

"Erica, stop. Its okay." I told her. "Its okay? No April. Stop with this bullshit. Look at you! You have bruises and cuts from head to toe and not only that, he kidnapped you!" She shouted.

Jon just stood there with a smirk on his face.

"Oh you think its funny?! I'll show you something funny!" She walked up to him & slapped him.

"You like that? You think that's funny?!" She shouted in his face. He chuckled while rubbing his cheek.

He stared at her and then, his fist came flying across her face.

"Jon, no! Stop it!" I screamed trying to limp over to him.

But he didn't stop. He continued to hit my sister as she cried.

"Stop it please!" I grabbed his arm. He pushed me and I fell onto the ground. I looked up at him in shock.

"Get up!" He yanked my arm.

"See, I was gonna let you go but your sister just had to start talking shit so now, you aren't going anywhere. YOU ARE MINE APRIL & YOU ALWAYS WILL BE."

Eh, this chapter was kinda wack to me. What do you guys think? -Maria💕.

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