Chapter 10: Steelin' Hearts

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I had a vision of Rajan and Arpeggio with the Clowerk parts, apparently the only bad vision with a good side. The gang rushed to none other than some Indian Ruins, where Rajan, after his reputation was tarnished by us; went after fleeing his party.

"Does Rajan know how impolite it is, to leave his own party?" I asked, as I took to the skies.

Sly scoffed.

"Between you and us, I don't think he was ever taught manners."

I almost smiled back at Sly, but something else diverged me from doing so. It was our target, Rajan the so-called "Lord of the Hills" with yet an unbelievable company.

"Neyla?! What she doing there?!" Murray asked.

Sly, waisting no time; decided to investigate.

"I'll go with you." I offered, but Murray stopped me grasping myself gently in his hands.

"No, stay with us," Murray advised, as he placed me on his back, " Sly will be back, we promise."

I mouthed, "good luck" to Sly, before he started leaping on poles, and dodging Rajan's lightning attacks, eventually he made it safely to where both felines were.

"Neyla now!"  Sly signalled.

"Sorry." She replied, before Rajan blasted Sly with his lightning attack, before Sly was done asking what Neyla was doing.

"Wha...? Sly!" Murray exclaimed.

A rabid anger ate away at my core, as I growled.

"Rajan had better had his shot!" I said, sharply. Murray heard me.

"Way ahead of you, baby!"

Suddenly we made our way into a lake filled with Lilypads. Sly was there, but it looked like he was KO'd unconcious.

"Sangue, get out there and help Sly, I'll take care of Rajan." Murray instructed.

I nodded, and flew off Murray's back. At long last, Rajan entered the battle ring.

"So, this is the Cooper Gang I've been hearing so much about, and feared these long hours?" The tiger mocked through his teeth. But after the Rajan called Murray a weakling, he crossed the line. I heard it too. With my help, Murray managed to dethrone the spice lord and bring him to justice.

"Victory belongs to The Murray, and The Sangue," Murray cheered, "Sly's gonna want the heart safe and sound."

I gasped at the sight of Sly laying there, and hovered to him, as I took off my jacket, which transformed into a blanket to cover him.

"Sly... Sly, wake up... Sly..."

I covered him with my jacket, and I bowed my head, giving in to my sadness.

"I'm so sorry, Cooper..."

Meanwhile, Neyla towered over us, and taunted us with Carmelita and the Contessa. 

"I'd pitty the poor girl, always running with the wrong side of the law." The Contessa chuckled, "She'll be perfect..."

Carmelita sensed something off in the Contessa's tone.

"What are you talking about, Contessa?!"

"Oh, you'll see, Carmelita..."

Suddenly, the place was awashed with a dark purple light, as my jacket glowed. I was on the verge of tears, but I wiped them off.

"Uh, Sangue, why is it glowing?" Murray asked.

I didn't have no explanation; and I didn't have one either, because the answer was in a certain raccoon.

"Sangue, you saved me..." Sly groaned.

I threw my arms around him.

"I thought you were going to leave, just like they did..."

Sly sighed, as he placed his hand on my back, and I felt safe in the arms, of my friends, but that safety was only lasting for seconds.

"Not so fast, kid you're coming with us," Neyla grinned, "Just be a good girl, and listen to the adults."

I wasn't going to let her take me so easily, I decided to be smooth.

"Pop quiz officer, do you know what happens, when you mess with bats?"


Well, I guess you know what happened next... I sank my teeth into the back of Neyla's palm, with a painful bite.

"OOOH!" The gang cringed, queuing my final answer.

"... You get the fangs!"

Neyla snarled.

"You little..."

I flew away just before she could clobber me. Lucky for me, Bentley wasn't far behind, and he was already with his heart on his throat, but slumped on my shoulders for an embrace, I hugged him back, as my lungs gave a sigh of relief. But one thing was abundantly clear: we had to get them back. As we pushed through the Indian jungle, it was getting harder and harder to face the reality that our friends weren't there.

But each time, Bentley looked at me, it was clear who was he fighting for. Even if we passed through the hardships of that creepy forest, or manuevering the van; I was happy to be able to be by his side...

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