Chapter 12: A Tangled Web

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It's payback time! Previously, The Contessa has fled to her castle in her spine-chilling gothic estate, after escaping us at prison. Normally, I'd be fascinated by this kind of places, but now it was a well-fortified gothic nightmare; that could haunt even the most undaunted of thieves to their graves. Terrible or not, this were our next destination.

To make this even more terrifying, we learned that not only Interpol caught wind, of The Contessa's heinous crimes; and Neyla becoming a commander in an army, but the Contessa was in possession of Clockwerk's eyes. According to the Thievius Raccoonus, the Clockwerk eyes was able to stop an opponent dead in the eyes, transfixed in its deadly gaze. so, it was more than implicit what an accomplished hypnotist, like the Contessa would do with this machine part.

"Sangue! What are you doing up there?!" Sly exclaimed, stiffening, as his grey fur stuck up, like a frightened cat.

I broke my gazes from reading the book, from theroof of the Cooper Van; and smiled as I looked down on them from where I was.

"I'm reading your book from up the van, Sly," I answered, " It's a nice view from up here, wouldn't you agree?"

"Well, we need you on this mission, so can you please just—"

Before Sly could finish, I performed a front flip layout, with the book in one of my arms; off the big drop, and in no time, my feet came into safe contact with the ground. Sly slapped all his five fingers onto his forehead.

"One of these days, you're gonna get yourself killed..." he groaned.

I laughed.

"No, I'm not. I always get back on my feet."

So, without further ado, we set out to take on the Contessa and retrieve Clockwerk's eyes. It was kind of scary knowing that, we were about to step inside a literal battlefield, but I was so up for it. Our first out of many missions around here, was to take some recon photos of the area, to then make it to the re-education tower.

"Sangue, you have a good eye for photography, mind helping me with this?"Sly asked, tossing the binocucom to me. I grinned, when the binocucom landed in my hands.

"Say no more, Sly," I said, "I'm on it!"

Taking pictures in this warzone, got a lot trickier with all these cannon's trying to blast us, from every direction, not to mention the bad guys we had to wop, but that didn't stop the both of us, from not "coming home, empty-handed."

"Excellent work, squirt, " Sly said, giving me a gentle noogie on my head, "now we can go inside."

I felt a certain chill running up my spine.

"Why do I get the feeling that something bad is gonna happen...?" I asked.

Sly pulled me close.

"Like what?"

When we went inside, we witnessed the most horrifying, and yet heartrending sight ever: Carmelita Fox chained to a board, with red beams being shot at her, while her beautiful brown eyes were replaced with a lifeless white.

"Bentley... there's more than just the Clocwerk eyes up here..." Sly communicated in a sorrowful tone.

I felt my eyes water, but I quickly dried them off far from everyone's notice. I must be strong for everyone, even the person that took me in.

"Why are you doing this," Carmelita struggled, " Neyla! She set me up, I'm an honest cop!"

"Of course, you are, I've read your psychological profile."

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