chapter 2

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After class I see my friends talking so I walk up to join.

Randy: That was an ice pick. Not exactly the same thing.

Y/n: What's going on?

Tatum: Y/n tell these guys a woman could totally be the killer.

Stu: There is no way. They were totally hollowed out. Only a man could do that.

Randy: Hey y/n. Didn't you date Casey?

Y/n: I did. For a little bit.

Randy: Until she left you for Steve.

Y/n: Actually I broke up with her.

Randy: Why?

I look at Sidney for a second.

Y/n: She just wasn't the one.

Stu: The one? That is the cheesiest shit I ever heard.

Randy: Do the police know you had a relationship with the victim?

Y/n: You trying to say I did this?

Randy: Do you have an alibi?

Stu: I don't think Y/n has it in him to gut someone.

I make eye contact with Billy. He's staring at me.

Sidney: How do you gut someone?

Stu: You cut them from groin to sternum.

Billy: Hey. It's called tact you fuckrag.

Randy: What about Stu?

Tatum: He was with me last night.

Stu: Yeah I was.

Randy: Was that before or after he sliced and diced?

Tatum: Fuck you nutcase where were you last night?

I can see Sid getting uncomfortable.

Y/n: Guys come on.

Tatum: I just want to know where he was.

Randy: Working. Thank you.

Tatum: At the video store? I thought they fired your sorry ass.

Randy: They did. Twice.

Stu: I didn't kill anybody.

Billy: Nobody said you did.

Stu: Thank you body.

Randy stands up.

Randy: Tell me did you put her liver in mail box? Because I heard her liver was in the mailbox. Next to her liver and her spleen.

Tatum: Hey we're trying to eat here.

Stu: Yeah liver alone. Get Liver alone. Because liver.

Sidney gets up and walks away without saying a word. Which means it's a good time to leave.

Y/n: I'll see you guys later.

                                Time skip

It's midnight. I can't sleep. There is too much on my mind. My dad is working late or at the bar. Should I say something? What if I'm wrong?


I pick up the phone.

Y/n: Hello?

???: Is this Y/n L/n?

Y/n: Yeah. Who is this?

I hear the voice get more sinister.

???: Someone who knows what you did.

I feel my heart sink.

Y/n: Billy? Billy this isn't funny. Turn off that stupid voice changer.

???: This isn't Billy.

Y/n: Whoever this is. Fuck off.

???: LISTEN HERE YOU BACK STABBING SON OF A BITCH! How about I cut you open and show everyone how you got no guts?!

Y/n: Billy! Stop! Turn that stupid thing off!

???: I told you. This isn't Billy he got arrested for attacking Sidney. To bad. I was the one who did it.

Y/n: Go to hell.

???: You first!

I hear a door open behind me slam open. A person in a costume with a white mask and a black robe starts running at me.

 A person in a costume with a white mask and a black robe starts running at me

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I see him take out a bowie knife. I run to the front door and start to open it but this fucker is fast. I'm not able to get it open in time so I go to the back door and slide it open. I run out and look back but he's gone.

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