chapter 17

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Sidney and I start running up the stairs. Kate walks out of the kitchen concerned.

Y/n: Watch Ollie!

Me and Sidney barge into Jill's room and see Jill and Kirby panicking at the window. Sidney pushes through to look.

Sidney: He's next door!

I sprint out of the house and over to Olivia's. I slam into the front door but it's locked.

Sidney: Move!

I get out of the way as Sidney comes up behind me and throws a rock through the glass in the door. She reaches in and unlocks it letting us in the house. I fly up the stairs as fast as possible with Sidney close behind. I run into the room but I'm too late.
Olivia is laying on the bed with her guts out and covered in stab wounds. Sidney comes up behind me and sees the gruesome kill.

Y/n: Sick bastard.

Sidney nods and steps out of the room clearly bothered by the sight.


Sidney pulls out her phone and I step closer to hear what is being said.

Sidney: What?

Ghostface: Welcome home Sidney. Preview of coming events.

Sidney: Why don't you come after me? You don't got the balls for that?

Ghostface: Oh poor Sidney. You still think this is all about you. That your still the star.

Sidney: This isn't a fucking movie!

Ghostface: It will be.

Sidney: These are innocent people!

Ghostface: Oh spare me the lecture. You've done quite well by all this bloodshed haven't you? Well what about the town you left behind? I got plans for you. I'm going to cut your eyelids in half so you can't blink while I stab you in the face.

Y/n: Inventive.

Ghostface: You've got no idea.

The killer hangs up as Jill walks up the stairs. Sidney quickly gets between her and the room.

Sidney: Don't look.

Jill gets a glimpse of the blood stained walls and her face becomes a mix of dispair and anger.

Jill: She said you were the angel of death.

Suddenly ghostface appears behind Jill in a dark room. He raises his knife but Sidney gets Jill out of the way before she could be stabbed. Jill does however get slashed on the arm.
Sidney and the killer fall half way down the stairs. Sidney hits ghostface over the head with a painting but he trips her. She hits the ground and he goes to stab her but she blocks him.
I jump off the railing, kicking him in the back. He falls down the rest of the stairs but takes Sidney with him. They land on the ground floor and fight momentarily. Ghostface goes for a slash but Sidney kicks him in the face knocking him on his ass.

Y/n: Badass.

Sidney: Thanks. Not a bad move off the balcony back there.

Y/n: I think I saw it in a kung fu movie.

Deputy Perkins runs into the house with his gun drawn.

Sidney: He's right there.

Perkins: Where is he?

We look at the ground and see the killer had made it out the back door without us noticing.

Y/n: Sneaky bastard.

Perkins looks at us confused.

Y/n: Go after him.

Perkins: Oh right.

Perkins runs out the door trying to find the killer.
Sidney leans against a wall and slowly falls down it until she's sitting on the ground leaning on the wall. I sit down next to her and lay my head against the wall.

Y/n: You okay?

Sidney: I will be.

Y/n: I've missed you. A lot.

Sidney starts to cry.

Sidney: I missed you too.

I wrap my arms around her shoulders and she puts her head on mine as she cries softly.
She's stronger than anyone but it's been awhile. I'll definitely cry more later. But until then I'll push it down nice and deep.
Perkins runs back into the house breathing heavily.

Perkins: I couldn't find him.

Sidney: Go check upstairs.

I walk outside with Sidney. Jill comes over to talk with Sid so I go back to Ollie. He's standing on the porch with Kate.

Y/n: You okay?

Ollie just stares at me.

I look at Kate worried.

Y/n: I think we're going to go with Sidney and Jill to the hospital. Make absolutely sure you're not hurt alright?

Ollie nods and grabs my hand. We get in the car and follow the ambulance to the hospital.

Time skip

Dr: Physically he seems fine. However I can't imagine what witnessing something like that could do to a child. Psychologically I mean.

Y/n: Thanks for looking at him. You're absolutely sure he's not injured?

Dr: I'm one hundred percent sure.

Y/n: Thanks again.

I pick Ollie up and walk out of the room. As I walk down the hall I see Sidney talking to her assistant.

Sidney: I won't be needing you anymore.

Rebecca: What?

Sidney: Your fired.

Rebecca: Fine.

She storms away as I arrive right behind Sidney.

Y/n: What was that?

Sidney: She was only worried about the money and more books. How's Ollie?

Y/n: The killer apparently didn't touch him. Still messed him up pretty bad. Jill?

Sidney: Just a slash. Nothing too deep.

I look into her eyes and get the warm feeling in my stomach.

Y/n: After all this you wanna get a coffee or something?

Sidney smiles.

Sidney: I'd like that. I should check on Jill. I'll see you later.

Sidney walks into a room and I'm hit with guilt like a truck. The mother of my child just died and I'm planning a date.
I walk out of the hospital and see News are everywhere and Dewey is giving a press conference.


A woman screams as a body is thrown from the roof. The body of Rebecca crashes into a news van causing a panic.

Time skip

I wake up to the smell of bacon. I look around and remember I fell asleep on Kate's couch. I look around and see Kate in the kitchen and Sidney sitting on the couch next to me asleep. Leaning on her is an also asleep Ollie hugging her tightly.
Sidney slowly stirs awake and notices me staring.

Sidney: Been watching me awhile?

Y/n: Yep all night. How couldn't I?

We smile for a moment until Ollie starts to grip Sidney tighter and cry in him sleep.

Ollie: Mommy! Stop! Stop it! Let her go!

I quickly shake him awake. He quickly turns to me and wails into my chest.

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