chapter 19

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I get in the passenger seat and Dewey turns the sirens on. We speed as fast as possible with a line of cop cars behind us.

Y/n: What happened? Did anyone die?

Dewey: I don't know y/n. She hung up before I could ask anything.

Y/n: I left Ollie with her. What if-

Dewey: Don't think like that. Sidney would protect him with her life.

We pull up to the house with some squad cars already out front.

Y/n: Ollie?!

Judy: We're over here!

I see Judy standing with Ollie sitting on the hood of her police car. I run up and wrap him in a hug.

Ollie: I miss mommy!

I feel tears start filling my eyes. As I hug my son as tight as possible.

Y/n: I know Ollie. I know. It's going to be okay. I never leaving. I'm never going to leave you again.

The tears fall down my cheeks as I make a promise I don't know if I can keep.
Dewey comes up to deputy Judy to see what's going on.

Dewey: What happened? Where's Sid?

Judy: There was another attack. Kate Roberts is dead and Sidney ran off.

Dewey: Do you know where she went?

Judy: I have no idea she was just gone.

Y/n: Dewey you gotta find her. She's probably with the killer. I can't-...

Dewey: I know. Don't worry we're going to find her. You and Ollie can go to the station.

I start walking back to my car but feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I pull out my phone and see Sidney had sent me a text. I walk back to Dewey and show it to him.

Dewey: An address?

Y/n: I'm going to guess that's where she is.

Dewey nods and turns to address his officers.

Dewey: I want want Jenkins and Doppler to take y/n back to the station! The rest of you are with me!

Time skip

I'm sitting in Dewey's office while Ollie takes a nap on floor, using a jacket as a pillow. Maybe I should've gone but then what if something happened to Ollie? But what if something happens to Sid? I swore I wouldn't lose her and I've already failed at that.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I see Dewey walk into the station. I quickly walk over to him.

Y/n:Did you find her?

Dewey looks at the ground and nods.

Y/n: Dewey?

Dewey: When we got there it was too late-

Y/n: No! Bullshit!

Dewey: She'd been stabbed-

Y/n: Is she fucking dead Dewey?!

Dewey: She's in critical condition and probably in surgery right now.

Y/n: So she isn't dead?

Dewey slightly shook his head.

Y/n: Lead with that next time. Let's go.

I go check on Ollie and tell the officers to watch him before getting in the car with Dewey.
We get to the hospital and I jog inside.

Y/n: Sidney Prescott?

Receptionist: Third floor second door on the right.

I start jogging to the elevator and hear Dewey call out

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