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Rose stabled herself on her bedpost while Elspeth tightened the strings on her corset

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Rose stabled herself on her bedpost while Elspeth tightened the strings on her corset. The young queen was getting ready for the yearly tournament that Camolet had for all of the knights of the land.

"Are you excited for the tournament?" Elspeth asked.

Rose gasped for breath, making Elspeth let out a small, "Sorry,"

"Not particularly no, I find it rather daft. All of these men fighting one another just to feed their own egos,"

"Arthur seems quite excited about it. Merlin's told me all of the dreadful things that he's been making him do,"

"You've been talking to Merlin?" Rose turned around once the blonde was done with her corset.

"Only a little—I ran into him when I was dropping off something for Gaius,"

The brunette gave her a cheeky grin, not wanting to push the girl any further about the subject. She slid on a deep red dress with sparkly gold accents, per Uther's request for the girl to wear something of red to represent Camelot.

"I wish I could do something like that, what Gaius does...it's quite extraordinary," Rose exclaimed.

"I think you would be the first royal to say such things,"

"Well, why should a royal's only job be to sit on a throne and make rash decisions for their country. Why shouldn't we have a skill that we didn't inherit, something that can't be taken away from us,"

Elspeth led Rose to her vanity, "What about Uther?"

"The only thing that makes Uther more powerful than me, is that he is a man,"

"And Arthur?"

"If Arthur and I are to rule together then we will be equals. The only thing keeping me in this marriage is my parents word,"

While Rose believed in equality, she wasn't going to allow powerful men try and control her. But she wasn't going to be selfish in her decisions. She still needed to find the Great Dragon, yet her only solution in finding it, is asking the man who had entrapped it.

"But yet, it seems that my marriage to Arthur means nothing to them. I mean—here I am being put up like a prized calf for auction, for whoever wins this tournament,"

"Men will always be a mystery, I feel like it's no secret that you and Arthur aren't the best of friends, maybe this is Uther's idea of trying to push you two closer together," Elspeth tried to reason.

Rose laughed, "I don't think Arthur could do a thing on this planet to make me like him. Besides, Morgana was more than willing to take my place, she finds this event rather exciting,"

"At least the men will be handsome,"

Rose's mouth dropped as she turned around and playfully swatted her friend. The girl never expecting a more cheeky sentence leave the maids mouth.

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