1.2 тнe dragon'ѕ call

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Some time had passed since Rose had seen the king and was shown to her room. She didn't speak very much after the interaction with the king. Her room was large in size with the signature Albion red displayed on her bed and curtains. She sat at a bay window that was opposite of her bed, admiring the people of Camelot as they peacefully walked through the courtyard. Elspeth was still walking around the room putting away any final belongings that the brunette had.

A light knocking sound was heard from Rose's door. She furrowed her brows in confusion before walking over to the door. Once she opened it, Lady Morgana was found standing right outside of it.


Rose gave her a small smile, "Hi,"

"I'm sorry to just bombard you like this, but I just wanted to say welcome to Camelot personally. I know moving to a new place can be hard,"

"Thank you, that means a lot," The two stood there in silence for a moment, neither of them knowing what else to say. "Would you like to come in?"

The tall girl hesitantly stepped into the room, admiring the small personal trinkets that the Scottish queen had displayed.

"I feel like most people know your story of how you came to Camelot, but I hope you don't mind me asking for it personally?" Rose asked, taking her place back on her bay window, Morgana joining her side.

"Not at all. I was with my family up until I was ten—that was until they were killed by enemies of Camelot. And up until that point I've been in Uther's care,"

"I'm so sorry...that must have been very hard for you,"

"I can say the same for you...I'm very sorry about your parents, from what I've heard they were great people," Morgana said, all of her sympathy going out towards the girl.

"They were...they were even greater rulers. They've entrusted me with Scotland, teaching me everything I need to know—and now that I'm at this point, I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing," Rose confessed. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just dumped all of that on you,"

Morgana grabbed the girl's hand to stop her rambling, "It's alright, I'm glad that I have someone to talk to about the same things that I've been through. I've been stuck with Arthur these past six years," She joked, the two both letting out laughs.

"I couldn't even imagine—" Rose cut herself off, realizing her own words. She always thought that her parents would end up letting her choose who she wanted to marry and call off the betrothal. She never imagined a life with Arthur and she didn't want to.

"By the look on your face I know you don't want this. But even as you choose to go through with it, it shows the love you have for your country. I know Arthur isn't your first choice, hell I don't think he's anyone's first choice just by having a conversation with him, but I know he'll be a great king one day. For Camelot and for Scotland,"

Rose appreciated Morgana's words more than she could ever know, because nothing was more important to her than her people. And she hoped that her and Arthur could come to some kind of agreement.

The sounds of horns being blown cut their conversation short. Rose scrunched her brows and opened her window, seeing a crowd starting to form as two guards pulled a prisoner from the castle, leading him to a wooden platform.

"Why is he doing this today?" Morgana groaned as her face formed a frown.

"Is that man being executed?" Rose asked.

"He was caught doing magic, I would assume you've heard...Uther doesn't take lightly to it,"

"Let this serve as a lesson to all—this man, Thomas James Collins, is adjudged guilty of conspiring to use enchantments and magic. And pursuant to the laws of Camelot, I, Uther Pendragon, have decreed that such practices are banned on penalty of death. I pride myself as a fair and just king but for the crime of sorcery, there is but one sentence I can pass," Uther's voice boomed from a balcony.

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