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Rose carefully made her way through the trees as she watched Stirling playfully run through them

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Rose carefully made her way through the trees as she watched Stirling playfully run through them. She had her cloak covering her face as she continued to maneuver branches from her face, a white envelope clutched in her other hand.

The young queen receiving a visit from Gwen earlier in the day, only for the maid servant to leave a letter with a cheeky grin before joining Elspeth in the kitchens. Rose opened the letter, confusion clouding her brain before reading the delicate words on the parchment. A wide grin morphed onto her face as she read Francis' words, the blonde asking to meet her in the forest later that day.

Till the very moment she left she couldn't help but let the nerves control her body, the two having yet to see each other since the disease that nearly killed her.

Stirling's loud barks filled Rose's ears as she finally reached a beautiful clearing, the castle faded into the distance as the sun expanded across the old stone, a river sparkling like pearls as the water reflected the sunlight.

The brunette smiled as she spotted Francis knelt down next to her large dog, his own smile growing. When he finally noticed the girl he slowly came back to his full height, allowing the dog to wander.

"Hello," He said.

"Hello," Rose slowly walked towards him, her heart rate picking up more as she closed the distance between them.

"I'm sorry to drag you all the way out here...I just didn't want to risk you getting caught,"

"No, it's alright," Rose looked out at the scenery before meeting his eye again, "It's quite beautiful out here,"

"My father used to take me and my family here before he died...it was our spot for the longest time until it just became too much for my mom,"

Rose's face contorted into sadness as she stepped forward, taking one of his hands into both of hers in a comforting manner, "I'm so sorry,"

The blonde looked at their conjoined hands, his own heart starting to speed up until a smile overcame his face, "It's quite alright, no need to dwell on things of the past," he led the girl over towards a blanket laid across the grass before sitting down. "Now, onto the real reason I called you out here. A few weeks ago when that disease spread across the village...I gave you that water—I was the one that got you sick. I am so sorry Rose,"

"You have nothing to be sorry for," She stated. "You had no idea that was going to happen,"

"You almost died Rose,"

"And here I am, well and breathing. So please do not blame yourself for what happened,"

"Unfortunately you can not stop me," Francis chuckled.

"You men and your big heads, always taking credit for everything," She joked.

He let out an astonished chuckle, "I'm sorry that I am concerned for your well being,"

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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